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jisung checked his phone for the 100th time that next morning. "sungieeeeee it's our birthday celebration today stop stalking your boyfriend. we can invite him over later for dessert." felix groaned. "maybe i should invite him now. what if he gets busy?" jisung pouted. "he's your boyfriend so if he doesn't come to celebrate your birthday, i'll chop his prince parts off. capeesh?" the aussie held up a ok sign. jisung simply nodded. felix groaned as his phone dinged for the 5th time in the last 2 minutes. jisung giggled. "changbin?" the younger held his head in his hands, nodding. he picked up the device, dispute scolding jisung for it seconds ago, checking the texts.

trashbin: i heard it's your birthday 😏

trashbin: happy birthday from your hubby

trashbin: how old are you?

trashbin: not answering? :(

trashbin: fine i'll ask hyunjin

trashbin: you're 20?! wow blessings happy birthday babe.

felix: don't call me that.

felix set his phone down, suddenly having the urge to throw his phone in a nearby traffic site. "let's just go." he groaned. they walked into the restaurant, feeling out of place, mostly because it was filled to the brim with children, but this was where they agreed to go, so they just sat down. immediately, a waiter strutted up to their table. "how are you two doing tonight? what can i get you?" he asked with a big, bright smile. no wonder they have him working with kids felix thought. jisung finished his order, the waiter writing it down swiftly. "and you?" he turned to felix. the younger of the two paused, his eyebrows furrowing as he finally got a good look at his face. "i feel like i know you from somewhere." he mentioned. the waiter thought for a moment. "i'm not sure. i don't know many people outside of work at the moment..." they both thought for a second. "is there any chance you're a foreigner?" the waiter asked. felix nodded "i'm from australia." the waiter snapped his fingers together, as if signaling a lightbulb switching on in his brain. he leaned closer to felix, spotting his freckles underneath the light makeup he was wearing. "felix! i remember you." he laughed. "we went to middle school together. i don't know if you remember me." felix thought about his middle school friend for a second. ahah! "chris?" he asked. the waiter nodded. "yes but i go by bangchan in korea. i couldn't miss those freckles." they laughed, jisung just peacefully witnessing the exchange, sipping the water in front of him. "what brings you here?"

"it's our birthday today!" felix answered, a big grin on his face. "well technically today is his birthday and tomorrow is mine, but we celebrate it together every year. bangchan, this is jisung. jisung, bangchan. jisung waved, shyly, not being very good with new people. "when does your shift end?" felix asked. "i'll be done at 9." "wanna come over for brownies after? we're having a few friends over."

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