~~Chapter 1~~

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(This story starts from when lucy joins the guild and after the first mission.)


       Lucy was walking to the guild , in the morning. " be careful lucy, you might fall." A fisherman spoke out. "I'll be careful, don't worry !!" Lucy replied and continued walking to the guild.

( time skip )
      When she opened the door of the guild hall , she was greeted by a chair coming towards her, she quickly ducked to avoid being hit on the face. " sorry lucy! " someone yelled from all the Fighting. ' another 'normal' day at the guild' lucy thought sighing. Lucy went to the bar and set down one one of the stools.
        " good morning lucy " mirajane said. " aah! Good morning mira. Can i have s strawberry milkshake please." Lucy asked." Of course, be right back."mira left to get the milkshake.

          At the same time natsu and happy came. "Ohayo minna!!" " oi! Flame brain, quiet down will you! " gray shouted. "What did you say Popsicle ! " " i said shut up fire breath" " ice stripper ". Both of them started arguing." natsu , gray. Do i hear fighting" erza asked. " stay out of this erza! " both of them yelled and started fighting again. 

            Suddenly they stopped and paled realising what they just did. They slowly turned around to see a very angry erza. Natsu and gray shrieked in fear. They try to run away but before they could erza punched both of them sending them flying to the wall.

        Lucy , who was watching the commotion sighed,  "will they ever stop fighting and don't make erza made , she is really terrifying" lucy said turning towards mira who was cleaning plates. Mira giggled and smiled towards lucy.

       Suddenly loki busted through the guild heavily breathing and scared. " guys, guys! She's here, she's back " .........
...................................."WHAT" the whole guild was at shock accept lucy and natsu. Within a second everyone looked pale and started shouting and cleaning up the guild. " what's happening? " lucy asked natsu , who seems to be confused as well " i don't know " " natsu , you really don't know what's happening, really?" Happy asked natsu. Natsu started to think bout can't seem to remember.......

        The guild door flew open and a figure of a girl was at the door. The guild was quite as wind. But suddenly natsu went up to the person and started asking questions. " who are you? Why are you here?"
          "Did you forget about me that easily natsu, I'm hurt " the figure put her hand on her chest acted hurt and spoke.

       'That voice. I know that that voice, it's so calm and familiar.'

       'Natsu was looking like he remembered something. Oh natsu! Look at you, you've grown so much'

        The figure pulled her hoodie down so everyone can see her face. Natsu who immediately saw her face was at shock. Tears started to build up his eyes. " natsumi " natsu started to mumble. Before he knew it natsu was on his knees in front of natsumi with tears running down his face. Natsumi seeing this also got to her knees. "Natsu." She softly spoke.

         Not even a second later natsu hugged her tightly as he can , afraid that if he let go she will disappear again. Natsu sighed sadly not liking her brother cry so he hugged him with equal force. Natsu sobbed in his sisters arms afraid that he might loose her.

         " tadaima , otõto " natsumi said. Natsu, moved back from the hug and wiped his tears away, looked at natsumi and spoke " okaeri, nee,chan." Natsu hugged his big sister again , grinning feom ear to ear.
          Both siblings were unaware that the whole guild was watching both of them. They had tears in their eyes.

         'Who is she? And why is natsu crying and hugging her? And why do i feel..........jealous' i frowned slightly.


         The siblings finally separated from their hug with a smile on their faces.
          "Hi, guys!" Natsumi said to the whole guild. They started to celebrate with joy and piled up to natsumi.

       I was smiling, happy that natsumi finally came back. Lucy came up to me " hey mira, who is she?" Lucy asked. " her names natsumi. She's been on a mission for seven years". " wow! That  long. How strong is she?" Lucy asked. " she's a ss.class mage. Many people know her as the empress of dragons." I explained. " ss.class ! that's even higher than s.class. but why is she called the empress of dragons ?" " i actually don't know."


        Everyone was celebrating. I looked around the guild hall and spotted mira talking to a blonde girl. Maybe a she's a new member. I stepped out of the crowd and headed towards the bar. "Hey mira." I spoke. The blonde girl turned around when she felt my presence. "Hello natsumi , do you want anything?" mira greeted me. " you know what i want mira." I slightly giggled and said. " be right back." Mira left to get my meal.
            I could feel the blonde girl staring at me so i turned to the side and asked " and who might you be." She was startled by my question but she answered "my names lucy heartfillia . i joined a while ago, it's nice to meet you." " hmm, likewise ." i hummed.

          A while later mira came back with my meal. " here you go , your favourite. " " thanks mira , is it spicy?" I asked her. " it's extra spicy. Enjoy! " mira said.

        After eating i started to go upstairs to relax for sometime. But natsu blocked my way. " natsumi fight me !" Natsu yelled. " natsu , I'm really tired, maybe another time. " " but, but....okey." Natsu pouted. I smiled ruffling his hair and started hading upstairs to the second floor.

        I went to the sitting area and saw a coat hanging from a chair . i took it and hugged it close to me. It immediately reminded me of him, so i wore it over my shoulders, i went to the couch and layed on it. And i whispered " i miss you." I smiled slightly. Not even a second later i was invited by deep slumber.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2022 ⏰

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