Chapter 2: home

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You look at his hand and think about it, then you decide to go. As you grab his hand, you are not on your feet but in his arms?!?! Looking at him confused, he giggles.

"I should have said that i was going to do that, sorry. by the way my name is Dream, and what about you?" right as you were going to say your name you hear people yelling "Dream!" After the first yell of his name he looks in the direction of the voice and waits with his sword handle firm in his hand ready for anything. "Dream! Where were you, we have been looking for you." said someone with glasses tucked in their hair.

"Sorry, i heard someone go through the portal. So I went to go see what was going on and found this girl being attacked." letting go of his sword and looking at you " and what is your name again"  awkwardly smiling at you.

  " my name is silver, and who are they??" looking at them with confusion. The three of them were all looking at you with concerned and confused looks, and trying to understand.

"That's George."pointing to the person with glasses "that's Sapnap." looking at a man with black hair, "and that's tommy."the last person of the group, a small blonde haired boy who looked just a little bit younger than you. They started asking questions about what happened to you, as you tell them the story dream was going to look for something to eat. When he came back you were fast asleep on the soft, cold grass. But they knew that they had to get back to L'manburg very soon, so he picked you up and they started their way but home. After about an hour of walking you start to wake up, scared that you weren't in the same place as you fell asleep in, it caused you panic, but then you see the three people who you talked to last night walking and talking about things that made no sense to you. As you look up you see that dream was carrying you, he sees that you have woken up, he said"well, look who is awake, how are you feeling? Hope you're feeling alright." 

   "I'm ok, where are we going?"you ask, as you calm down. He told you that they were going back to L'manburg, then he asked "do you want to come with us or go back home?" but the thing he didn't know was that you didn't have a home, so you say that you would go with them. Not long after that you start to see a town, nicely built homes and shops, as you get closer you can see people. You were so excited because it had been years of scents you had any human interactions.

   "Welcome to Lmanburg." said George with a big smile. As you and the others got close you froze, George saw you and picked you up. Not knowing that he was the one that picked you up, you yell for Dream out of fear without knowing. As soon as he hears his name he takes you from George and asks you what's wrong, you say "i just got scared from being picked up that's all."
    "It's ok i'm here, no need to worry." he said walking away with you in his arms. You look back at Timmy, George, and Sapnap, you say to yourself "George looks mad and confused, I hope I can say sorry for my reaction."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2021 ⏰

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