23. Shopping spree

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Mayas pov

I woke up to muscular arms wrapped around me. We forgot to eat last night so I was pretty hungry. I tried getting up until I heard a raspy voice say "stay." "I'm hungry," I told him knowing my stomach was making noises. "We can get something to eat later love right now I want to be with you." I scoff as he pushed me closer into his arms. I couldn't help but think about last night it was like a song replaying itself. I look at my phone and notice it's only six am. I fall back to sleep and wake up nearly around eleven. Arlo was gone so I started to assume he went to work. I picked up my phone and called him right away. "Hello, love is everything okay?" Arlo asked with a curious tone. "You scared me. I don't know where you are. It makes me worried." I said almost having tears in my eyes. "Oh, I'm sorry princess I went out to the store to pick you up some food." "It's fine. Next time could you leave a note, please? I nearly had a panic attack." I could hear chuckles come from him on the other side of the phone " yes love sorry for worrying you. Will you be okay till I get back?" arlos chuckles dial down when I noticed I didn't say anything back in a reply. "U-uh sorry yes ill be fine" my voice shakily spoke. "Okay dear drink some water and I should be home soon." "Okay, sir I will." I hung up and went to the kitchen to get a glass of water when I noticed on the counter was a written note signed by arlo. "Good morning dear I went out to get groceries and food for you. I should be home soon drink some water and hold off on food, love daddy." Just reading that gave me butterflies my face turned red as I got my glass of water. I turn my head towards the door when I hear the door unlocking.

I see arlo standing at the doorway I ran up to give him a big. He hugs back and kissed my forehead. "Are you okay?" He asked me with full concern. I put my arms up wanting him to pick me up he did exactly what I wanted and at me on the counter. I buried my head into his collarbone while he played with my hair. "I'm okay" I managed to say those words without crying. This man has taken an effect on me and I was ready to let my guard down but not yet. We stayed like that for a while till he started to put the groceries away. I got up to help but he picked me up bridal style and put me on the couch and turned on the tv.

"I don't want you stressing anymore. I'm going to make lunch and join you after?" Arlo smiled and started lunch. I just nodded without response.

He finished making lunch and handed me a plate with sandwiches cut into triangles with potato chips. He sat down as we watched a movie and soon after I dozed off.


Arlos pov

I came home knowing she has already had a panic attack. I stood in the doorway as she ran up to me embracing a really big hug while she puts her arms out for me to pick her up and I did exactly what was wanted. I knew she was scared I picked her up and sat her on the counter she pushed her head into my collarbone and stayed there for a while, I started playing with her hair to calm her nerves and asked what's wrong. "I'm okay," she says which I knew was a lie but I let it be for right now.

I started putting groceries away and started making her lunch. She decided she wanted to help but I didn't let her I picked her up bridal style and put her on the couch and explained to her that I was making lunch and id join her after. She nodded and I proceed to make lunch.

I joined her in a movie and watched her doze off. I played with her hair to soothe her I knew she was scared and terrified. So I just stayed and continue to finish the movie without her. The movie ended and I moved her to the bed so she could have a more comfortable place to sleep. I feel a nudge on my shirt. "Don't leave" I sat back down on the bed, took off my shirt, and pulled her into my chest while she drew circles on my stomach and watched her fall back to sleep.

It was only noon so I woke her up after an hour. She was real grumpy but it didn't affect me. I was used to her being a little grumpy when waking up. She told me to lay back on the bed and I did while telling her she needs to get up. she nodded and climbed on top of me. Pelvic to pelvic. She laid down on my chest trying to get comfortable moving around causing me to have a boner (I'm so sorry for those of you that don't like this word I don't either but I have no other words to use.)

I tried to brush it off but she kept moving as if she knew what she was doing. I picked her up and told her it's time to get up. Knowing she was still half asleep she didn't know what she was doing. I picked some clothes out for her and myself and got in the shower.

Soon after we got out I told her to get dress and wait for me. I knew she was confused so I explained "love I'm taking you on a shopping spree" she looked at me as if she didn't know what those words meant.

I got ready and we headed to the car and drove to the mall. We soon got there and I let her look around. she was so amazed at how much stuff was here. Clothes, jewelry, etc. "Pick whatever you want and ill buy it for you" I smile and hear her words form. "I can't accept this. I want to pay you back but I can't I don't have the money and-" I cut her off telling her to go pick out stuff she nodded and went to look at the stuff she wanted. She came back from the stuff she got and that she wanted and asked if this was all she nodded and I paid for her stuff. "How about tomorrow night we go out to eat?" She stood there shocked trying to mummer yes. "Yes, I would love that" her tiny voice cracked.

We got home and she started to yawn. "Little one you're sleeping a lot lately, are you okay?" I asked becoming even more concerned. "I'm fine I just like sleeping" I shook my head and kissed her goodnight and stayed up trying to catch up on some paperwork I missed this day from coming home early to check up on mi amor.

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