chapter 17

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cameron- wait yall must be talking bout my brother....


nia pov

at that moment it all made sense. i grabbed his arm and pulled him aside.

nia- when did jalen get outta jail

cameron- a few weeks ago 

nia- i cant believe we gotta murder walking around here

cameron- its ok you'll be fine he says pulling me into a hug

nia- ok but do me a favor and don't tell them, they are all already worried about me enough as it is

cameron- i gotchu i wont tell them 

he holds out his hand and it turns into our handshake we used to do when we were dating. i smile at the thought. im surprised we both remember it. 

cameron- so whats going on with you and homeboy over there he says pointing at tony

nia- honestly i don't really know yet, he took my v-card

cameron- look at you acting all grown he says smiling poking my stomach

nia- boy come on over here i say walking back with everyone else

jayla- uhm hello you guys what are we gonna do about the whole brother situation

tony- so are yall like twins or something

aya- yeah they are twins but jalen is- 

nia- uhm yeah their identical twins

i shoot aya a look to let her know not to say anything. i signal honey too bc they are the only two that know. 

tony- so how are we gonna figure out where he is

cameron- idk that's the thing. obviously he like to pretend to be me so i guess that's where we start. 

mar- maybe he went to the house we just left from

aya- you know maybe he's right 

tony- good idea 


mar- bro back up why you so close

aya- cause I'm scared

we were walking down the hallway once again to see if the two boys that were there before knew or seen anything. we finally made it down the hallway after so much complaining. cameron opened the door and we saw...

The Boy Next Door // prettyboiballoWhere stories live. Discover now