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Well it was Wednesday morning,in the opas-iamkajorn and Vachirawit- Chivaree when all of them were frantically running around to get the decorations on place.

Well why decorations because Thyme the only son of Vachirawit Chivaree and heir of there company 'summer' is going to marry the only son of Opas-iamkajorn Kavin,the heir of 'WIN-ter'.

(don't mind the surname please I don't know the characters surname 🥺)

Both of them are well known and are one of the hottest couple out there. There friends used to tease them for being bestfriends but behaving more than it.
So when Kavin asked Thyme out it was no surprise like it was bound to happen and no they didn't become boyfriends at first,they went to dates,dinners.


Kavin was out for a launch of there new collections of bucket hats and bags and preparing for the special night he was planning.
Thyme, on the other hand was also working but missing his person. Even his sister Baifern friends Gorya,Mj,Ren, kanning and the other employees could understand his mood was down because he never snapped at anyone or make mistakes in his presentation though he looks like he could punch you anytime.
(A/N sorry Thyme😝😄)

After finishing his work,Thyme came back to his mansion. He parked the car and went in. Surprisingly, neither his mother nor his sister was in the living room or dining area. He went to the kitchen to drink some water when he noticed a little note
~Dinner is in the table eat it up baby brother sorry we couldn't eat with you was really tired and mom was having a little headache~
Love you
Your sister Baifern

Thyme got a little worried knowing his mother can be careless sometime and skip meals and have stomach ache or high fever.
Thyme went inside his room got freshen up and ate the heated food. He couldn't sleep so he thought of reading a book.He went outside to his balcony it had a beautiful view of the night sky, sitting on the chair though he thought of reading book but his mind wandered on his own and a familiar face popped out in his mind.
He didn't want to be that clingy boyfr-wait were they even boyfriends though they were like a couple after all those dates they never really discussed about that.
Suddenly from nowhere he heard a sound of Guitar strings.He didn't get it at this time of night who would play guitar.But then the sound was coming from his backyard.
He went down and towards the backyard he was really surprised to see the person who was in his mind for all these four days. But not only was kavin in front of him but also with a guitar singing a oh to familiar song:
"I got a heart and I got a soul
Believe me I will use them both
We made a start
Be it a false one,I know
Baby,I don't want to feel alone
So kiss me where I lay down
My hands pressed to your cheeks
A long way from the playground
I have loved you since we were 18
Long before we both thought the same thing
To loved and to be in love
All I can say is that these arms are made for holding you
I wanna love like you made me feel
When we were 18"
By this time Thyme's eyes started to tear up his cheeks were flushed with a pink tint, but still having a tiny smile playing on his lips, he still couldn't believe Kavin was here in front of him, playing guitar, smiling,his face was looking more angelic because of the fairylights which is decorating the whole place.
Thyme carefully and slowly came forward to Kavin by the time he reached, Kavin was done serenading, he kept the guitar aside and stood up when Thyme reached him he instantly took him in his arms and hugged him tightly. Thyme was no better he hugged back with same intensity, there hug shared all the emotions they were feeling that time 'love, bliss,care,desire,
affection, passion, happiness,warmth and trust'. Thyme after breaking the hug frowned a liitle and asked Kavin, his voice muffled as he face was pressed ath the side of the neck of Kavin "how did you get inside" Kavin laughed and answered "well I informed your mother, she told me not to worry and she informed the guards to open the back gate and let me in and meet my angel" Thyme pinched his arm lightly and then said "that's why mom and phi went to sleep without me" and pouted. Kavin squished his cheeks and said smirking"I will sleep with you cuddling" Kavin asked"why is my angel crying?"
Thyme could not speak he just silently sniffled. Kavin when he not got and answer he used his thumb and index finger to grab his chin and make him look up. Kavin was shocked to see the latter's eyes full of emotion but he could justify one emotion very well fear.
Kavin wouldn't take it anymore he swiftly took the latter's soft lips in his and kissed him.He wasn't shocked tasting soft and faint taste of mint. But the latter was really shocked not only was this his first kiss but also with his crush,but after contemplating for few seconds he returned bach the kiss shaking feverishly while his arms snaked around Kavin's neck, while Kavin's one hand was on his waist securely and the other cupping his cheeks. Kavin bite Thyme's lips and unconsciously he moaned,Kavin tried to deepen the kiss but Thyme stopped him. When they separated Kavin was shocked to see Thyme that way. His whole face was red, flushed becuase of lack of oxygen, and he was looking at Kavin through his lashes which was cute but a lot seductive. If this wasn't a romantic ambience he would literally taken Thyme on the backyard.
Composing himself, Kavin took the bouquet of white roses, and gave it to Thyme. His face lit up after looking at the bouquet, though he knew what was coming he still asked "what is all this for?" Kavin smiled and said "close your eyes angel" Though he didn't want to but he did. He could feel Kavin moved around a bit and suddenly he felt a cold metal brushing against his collarbone he snapped opened his eyes and was shocked to see a pendant with the initial 'k'.

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