The Middle Ticks

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Nicky Kurosawa

I stood in front of the class. Another school, another life. I think this is now officially the fourth middle school this year. On the bright side, I'll be getting out of these middle schools next. I couldn't wait to go. Being able to pick somewhere to go next. I had my eye on many schools, but UA was the one I knew I'd put every ounce of my effort into. Sure my dad made it easy, with him being a pro hero and all, but I still needed to pass the written exams.

I stepped down the hallway and opened the door to my classroom. The moment I did everyone's eyes were on me. It made my body tense. I disliked the attention, maybe because my mother had raised me that way. I don't know, and frankly don't care enough to know. Because of my mother's villain work I often moved schools, I guess I forgot to mention that. I didn't care. I knew one day it would be me vs her. I couldn't wait for that day. The day I get told she died from my own hands. Even if it caused me to get arrested I don't care. I want that women stopped, and no other pro hero will do it.

I moved to stand with the teacher, at the women's request. The class had their eyes on me. I let my bright green eyes scan over every face, remembering each feature of theirs. I especially focused on those who had quirks that showed in their physical appearance.

" Everyone, this is your new classmate. She is transferring from a school in America, " the teacher introduced then sat down at her desk, letting me take over my introduction.

I winced at the She part. I've been noticing a lot more lately than I have. I didn't know what it was but she didn't feel like it fit anymore. It felt so out of place and uncomfortable. Like it wasn't me basically.

" I'm Nicky Kurosawa, you can call me whatever I really don't care that much," I told the class, just wanting to get the attention off me honestly.

I just wanted to hurry this up and get an introduction out of the way. I really didn't care much for who these people were. I'd see them for maybe a few more weeks before we all left for higher school. I stood in awkward silence while my new classmates held a curious look. Some would find it cute on children, but me? I find it terrifying.

" You can sit behind Midoriya," The teacher spoke up.

I gave her a small nod then made my way down the rows to where Midoriya sat. I just followed where the teacher had pointed. The name sounded familiar, but then again I have heard many names from all over before. I slid down into my seat and set my bag at my feet. I felt awkward there, even after sitting down it still lingered. The stares of the others in the room didn't help. My eyes flicked up from my bag as the teacher cleared her throat. I felt bad for interrupting the lesson because I was late. Then again I'm almost always late thanks to my mother's morning training lessons.

" Alright, class let's begin," The teacher finally spoke up, causing me to let out a breath I didn't even realize I was holding.


The bell finally rang, letting everyone free from the classes that are so boring I felt like stabbing my eyes out with a pencil. I just realized that is a lot gorier than it needed to be, but honestly, it felt true. I relaxed in my seat, letting the stress of the day roll off me in waves. It felt nice to finally relax. I slipped up from my spot and pulled my bag onto my desk. I tucked my things neatly into my bag then zipped it up.

" Kurosawa!"

I lifted my head at my mother's last name. My eyes focusing on the students who kinda just appeared at my desk. I didn't realize how zoned out I was until now honestly. I didn't mean to zone out that's for sure. I gave a confused look to the group around my desk. A bit of my pitch-black hair falling a bit over my face. I felt uncomfortable and stressed again.

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