||the battle of new orleans||

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Season 1 Episode 21


"Your mothers spell is an complicated as it is elegant. She was clearly a very gifted witch."Genevieve told Klaus.

"I'd this the bit here?"

"Hey, like I said it's complicated. She bound protection magic to black kyanite stones, a werewolf with the stones is free from turning on a full moon."Genevieve told Klaus.

"And what of the improvements?"Klaus asked her. "The spell will enhance speed, strength and agility."

"There should be something in there about fangs. That's what my mother used on us when she turned us into vampires."Klaus tells her remembering what his mother turn them.

"Not hits fangs. You said you want venom so the bite is still lethal to vampires."Genevieve tells him.

"Hm. Here. Should make a nice gift. I'm sure Hayley and Ophelia will be thrilled."Genevieve tells him.

"Oh, not just them. You'll be making quite a few of theses. Let's call it even a hundred."Klaus tells her.

"That's not the deal I made with Elijah."

"Well, you're dealing with me now.. And I am offering considering more."Klaus muttered.

"You think because I sleep with you, I'm suddenly at your beck and call."Genevieve gulped.

"Because you sleep with me, love, I will protect you from those who might do harm, including my brother. Because I need you, however, I'm prepared to offer something more valuable than my protection."Klaus says as he startes at her.

"Which is what?"

"My mothers grimore,From which I took these spells. You see, Elijah is offering you a mere peek at its pages, But I will garner it. But I will grant you a gift if you pledge your loyalty to me, beginning with the creation of those rings"He tells her.

"This has been your plan all along. You want to build a werewolf army, And you're using me to do it."Genevieve says and gives him a evil eye.

"Sweetheart, I'm not the enemy nor are the wolves your abusive coven expects you to sacrifice yourself for the last harvest girls. Do this one favor for me, and you need never fear anyone ever again."Klaus tells her.


Elijah, Hayley and Ophelia we're at the nawlins trawlin tours.

"Yes? Brother what is it?"Klaus tells his brother in the phone.

"It appears our wolves have gone astray, brother."Elijah tells his brother.

"They should've been back hours ago."Hayley told him.

"We need to find them."Ophelia says.

"Well, That might be a bit tricky. You see, we've located their car in the back goad in the middle of nowhere I suspect they've been shanghaied."Klaus says in the phone. Ophelia was in a her own world. Klaus hangs up.

Klaus vamps speed to Joshua.

"Hello, Joshua."Klaus says and smiles he bites him. "AGHH!"

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