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(Harry Styles song cuz Drista likes 1D :] )

After an awkward situation with Sapnap asking them why they were literally on top of each other, Dream told him about Drista.

"Drista pog." Sapnap replied through a mouthful of chips.

He was standing in the kitchen, leaning against the island across from George. Dream was standing behind George with his arm resting on the counter next to George's waist. At times during the conversation George could feel Dream's breath on his neck.

"Are you sure you guys are cool with this? It was supposed to be a trip for us." Dream had a concerned look on his face.

George turned to the taller boy so that that their chests were almost touching, "It's ok Dream, Drista's cool," He paused for a second and looked into Dream's eyes, "Plus, we have all month," he said, raising an eyebrow, "Pretty boy." He added, just quiet enough so that Sap couldn't hear.

George watched in contentment as Dream's face turned pink and he mumbled "Shoes." in Sapnap's direction and gestured towards his room, turning to walk down the hall.

George giggled and turned to Sapnap who was still munching with a confused look on his face.

"So George." Sapnap said, changing the subject. He had a dopey grin on his face, so George naturally assumed he was still a little buzzed.

"Yes Sapnap?"

He giggled mischievously, "What happened to your neck man." He crunched down on a chip.

It was Sapnap's turn to watch as George's face turned pink.

"Shut it." George deadpanned before turning in embarrassment towards his own room. From the kitchen he heard Sapnap bursting out into laughter.


Sapnap and George decided to stay home, while Dream visited his family and picked up Drista.

George was sitting on the couch, snuggled up in blankets that smelled like Dream. He was lost in thoughts about recent developments in their friendship, when he heard rapid footsteps approach him.

"SAPNAP!" George shrieked. The younger had flung himself over the back of the couch with a harsh landing, and had his arms around George's waist with his head in George's lap.

George lifted his arms up, unsure of what to do.

Sapnap giggled and pulled a blanket over his torso, shutting his eyes.

"You're such an idiot." George giggled but tone was slightly annoyed. He wished it were Dream.

"Just homies." Sap mumbled, "I'm not Dream." His breathing steadied and he began softly snoring.

George rolled his eyes and pulled out his phone, opening Snapchat.

He had left Dream on opened from the snap telling him to come to the kitchen, but the younger boy had double snapped him.

He tapped on the red square next to Dream's name. It was a picture of him and who he assumed to be Drista. She had long blonde hair, and facial features similar to Dream's. The same green eyes, arched eyebrows, and nice smile.

She was leaning over the center console with her arms around Dream's shoulders, holding up a peace sign.

George's heart melted a little at the sight. It was clear in one snapshot of their relationship that Dream was a good big brother.

George sighed. As silly as it was, he missed Dream. He missed the constant nerves and butterflies. The feeling of being on edge, but in a good way, excited for what could happen next.

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