Chapter 1

436 16 15

T/W : gore, stalker behavior, obsessive thoughts.

~ Narathor's P.o.V ~


Upon hearing that, the 16 year old bolted up from her sleep, breathing heavily, her shirt sticking to her figure, cold sweat dripping down her body and forehead.

She was everywhere, Himiko Toga was everywhere she would look, even in her sleep, Ochako had to listen to her laughs, she would watch her stabbing those people while laughing over, and over again.

It was no surprise that the becoming hero still thought of her, their fight at the training camp did mark her, she could still feel the needle being struck in her thigh.

Suck suck~


Toga was everything.

The teenage girl sat against her bed frame, clutching her hands to her chest, blood flowing to her cheeks at the thought of the blonde.

She wanted to see her.

Ochako wanted to punch herself at the thought, that woman was a villain, more to that, a murderer.

Himiko Toga has plenty murder accusations, but they all know it was her.

Somehow, she never got caught before, she always manages to come and go.

'Thinking about a murderer like that, it would disappoint everyone.'

Ochako thought before laying back down, sleep overtook her again, and she stayed in silence.

Little did she know that this exact villain, was watching over her.

Himiko wanted to know everything about her Ochako. Her favorite food, the music she likes, absolutely everything.

She admitted that she was in love with her, she loved Ochako so much, she would do anything for her.

Himiko loved Stain, she loved Twice, but she loved Ochako the most.

She wanted to be her, to taste her sweet rosey blood, if anything, Ochako was the prettiest when she was bleeding.

The Villain had snuck into the UA area, her quirk and slender body helping her success in being outside the 1-A dorm building.

She swiftly climbed up the building, craving to see and even speak with her lover.

'You don't know how much I miss you lover. I can't wait to see you~!'

Right when Ochako was half asleep, she heard slight beating on her window.


She rubbed her eyes and looked up.

What she didn't expect was to see a pair of golden glowing eyes, looking at her like a predator watching its pray.

Ochako wanted to scream.

She freezed up, her and the dark figure staring at each other intently.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2021 ⏰

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