The day we meet

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~Nathaniel POV~
I sat in solitude as my pencil kept racing upon the white clear paper. My sketches have gotten better for the past few years with many more other things to. Like my coloring and me buying better markers and color pencils.

I laid back down on my red sheeted bed as the thoughts of the past years alone came to me.
I have no friends and nobody sits beside me. I heard there was a new student coming though which took me off guard since they would have to sit in the only empty sit in our classroom.

Next to me....

RINGGGG RINN- I shot up from my form laying spot and slammed my hand down on my clock as I packed all my stuff including my book where I keep all my drawings. "Love you mom love you dad" I yelled as I ran through my house thin cold hallways out the door to the school. It was about a six minute walk so running there would make me early which would give me time to meet the new student.

I ran up the stairs to watch a girl with blue hair be tripped by Chloe. Chloe is the most popular kid in school she is never seen without makeup on and a piece of clothing that was yellow that matched her hair. Her outfits were always the most paid for out of the whole school. Even with the money she couldn't buy a single brain cell about style. I watched as Chloe punched the poor girl. I had to step in and help her even if it was a little.

I stumbled over to them hoping no body saw me trip on the way.

I pulled the unknown beautiful girls hand up and pulled her inside the building.

"Im sorry but I don't have the guts to stand up to her." I said to her while taking a closer look to who she is.

I stared at her for a little admiring her beauty. "Wha-at's you-r not I mean next class" I scrambled out some words to her feeling embarrassed I clinged my fists in my chest looking at the floor.

She then giggled at me her giggle was nice and smoothing as she slid a piece of her blue midnight hair behide her ear.

"I have Mrs. Caline Bustier, you?" The girl said as she pulled down a schedule.

I took the paper and looked at it for a while " we have all our classes together, wow" I said looking at her "just follow me around I guess we would get to know each other better" I softly smiled at her as she followed me into our first period teacher room.

I waved my hand over for her to sit next to me. She sat down and pulled out books and a notebook for drawing like mine.

"Hey what's your name I never got it and um-m what's inside the book" I said pointing to the girls drawing book. "My name is Marinette Dupain-Chein but you can call me mari if you wish, what's yours, oh and this notebook is where I draw my designs

I felt my eyes lit up as she stated that she likes to draw and design too. " my names Nathaniel but you can call me Nath, I also have a book like that right here" I said to marinette as I pulled out my journal filled with drawings I been doing for the past few years. "Wow these are nice heres mine" Mari traded hers for mine and mine for hers.

~time skip after looking at each other's designs~

"Wanna hang out after school and talk some more Nath?" Marinette asked of me.

" sure why not" I responded as we traded our notebooks back.

My finger tip glazed the paper as I noticed she wrote something down. 'at the park at 6 sharp' before I could write back the teacher walked back inside the classroom after she went out to do something causing the whole class to go quiet.

~time skip 30 minutes into class~

~Marinettes POV~
A hand slammed on my desk causing me to jump. I looked up to see a girl with brown long hair and tan skin. "Hello the names, Lila how about me and you hang out at 6 after school to get to know each other?" Lila said in a innocent tone of voice.

"Im sorry Lila but I'm busy maybe some other time?" I questioned her. She had a quick glare then her glare turned back to her normal eyes. The glare went so fast that I barley saw it. 'She's fake' i thought in my head while looking at Nathaniel who was staring at me while Lila walked away.

"Well that was an annoying kid wasn't she?" I asked Nathaniel who was staring at me in amazement. "Yes nobody ever put her invite down!" Nathaniel sighed "don't trust her she is a no good lair marinette trust me" Nathaniel said this as I raised my eyebrow "don't worry I can spot a snake when I see one" I said comforting him.

This made him smile then he said something that hooked me into a story. " one time I had finished a drawing the best one I made yet, it was one of two superhero's I made up. Ladybug and chatnoir. I left it on my desk and went into the restroom to do my stuff as I walked back into class the next thing you know she was showing it off to the class saying she drew it all by herself. But yet everybody believed her over me. Quite sad isn't it?" Nathaniel asked me waiting for a reply

"I'm sorry Nathaniel but don't worry I'll believe you" I told Nathaniel while giving him a pat on the head like a dog. And right when I did that his eyes lit up like one. For a moment he blushed but I just found it cute and continued to pat his head repeating "good boy Nathaniel"

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