Chapter 7

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How do you stop abuse? I know I've helped a lot of people in the days of being a ghost, but I have never helped an abused child. How do I make someone stop when they can't see me? I sitt on the old hardwood floor of the house thinking to myself. I know this seams bad, but maybe next time I can cause the mother to fall or tumble down the stairs.

I hear popping sounds coming from outside. I look around, but there was nothing there. Untill I see a bright light in the sky. Fireworks, I haven't seen fireworks in what seamed like forever. There so magical the way they light up the sky. The hour passes, and I relize the fireworks were over.

I zap to see what my father was doing. It must have been early because the sun was coming up. He was up, getting ready for work. I still remember when I was 5 or 6 I would watch him do his routine. First, he would shave, and put clothing on. Then he would put his shoes on grabbing all his stuff he needed. My dad was a salesmen. He tried to sell houses to people, and make a big profit. When he would sell a nice house we would celebrate. By "we" it means him and mom excluding me. He would lock me in the basement and tell me not to move till they were done.


Oh god, the sound of screeching I hear in my ear. Something was going on with Sarah. I zap to her location. Her mother was trying to drown her.

"EMILY HELP ME!!" She calls out.

I couldn't do anything. I couldn't touch the mom, but there was a knife on bathroom counter. I stab the mom rapidity. She goes limp. I tell Sarah to call the police. What was she going to tell them? A strange figure just killed her mother?

She goes to the phone dialing 911.

"Hello, 911. What's your emergency?"

"My mommy's hurt, come quick."

She hangs up and starts to cry. Putting my hand on her shoulder I tell her she's free now. She smiles. 20 minutes later she admitted to the police that "She had stabbed her mother", but only in defense. Sarah didnt get to live with her father after that. She was sent away where she was later adopted by someone who loved her. The only thing was. She could still see me. She seamed happy, but was she really? There was something deep down that was still troubling her. Patricia gets down on her knees

" honey, we need to go soon. Your happy in this life. There may be some deep down sadness, but it will at be ok."

Sarah swoops in for a hug "I'll never forget you guys."

Hello everyone. I really hope your enjoying this story feel free to tell me in the comments , or vote on it. Thank you

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