The Prince

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I saw her sneak away at dusk into the Forbidden Forest. I couldn't just leave her; she was my betrothed. If she got in trouble though, I wasn't sure what I could do. I wasn't a good fighter, and I don't have any survivor skills. But, against my better judgement I decided to be brave. I followed her for almost an hour, I had no idea what she was doing. Maybe I should have just called out to her, but that probably would have just made her mad since she obvious looked like she wanted to be alone.

I heard a noise came from my right. I cowered and thought, I couldn't die now I have so much left to live for. I stood up and realized I had now lost my betrothed. What good I was, now I am just another lost person in the Forbidden Forest. The trees started to look weird, I had never seen them grow in these contorted shapes. I then saw the largest tree formation in my life. I couldn't stop myself from whispering "wow," in amazement. The trees had swirled together to make what looked like a giant hut.

"And what is that?" A voice broke my amazement. It was very deep and had a dark aura about it. It continued "What makes you think I will even grant your request?" I saw a small hole on the side of the hut and peered in. From my angle I saw my betrothed step towards this hulking figure. And muttered words I never expected.

"Take my life. I wish to be free from this place, I have no choices in my life, and no one even cares to listen to my thoughts." She said with what sounded like tears in her eyes. I had thought she might have felt this way but never wanted to believe it. I felt my heart drop and realized I was part to blame for this. She probably didn't agree to the marriage.

In my daze I hadn't realized the figured had walked up to her. I was about to run when he touched her chin, but his words stopped me, "What a shame that the world will never see anyone as beautiful as you again." I was frozen as he leaned down and kissed her. And as if she began to turn into dust, she started to blow away. I couldn't believe what I had just saw, she completely just vanished in thin air.

I couldn't stop my anger and I ran into the hut and yelled, "What did you do to her you monster?" I didn't know what to do, if I tried to attack him, he probably easily could have beat me.

As I was about to speak up again, he spoke first, "I do not cure blindness, I simply provide an out." He then also vanished in front of me in the same way the Princess had, and I was left alone inside the giant tree hut. 

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