The time has come that I stop with this book, I'm so out of the Killing Stalking fandom it hurts.
The behind why I started to make this fanfic:
Well my friend was making a fanfic and I myself was pretty obsessed with Killing Stalking, so I was like "ImMa MaKe A KiLlInG sTaLkInG fAnFiC!!" Which I did.
I've lost all motivation for this fanfic, I tried getting back into the fandom, but. . . It wasn't like the past.
I'm so very sorry that I'm ending this fanfic.
Thank you for the support, goodbye and have a great day :)
((DISCONTINUED!!))Killing Me Softly (Oh Sangwoo x YoonBum gay fanfic)
Action((DISCONTINUED!!)) The officer was arrested, my love was still alive, I think he's done with Killing but. . . I don't think the devil left him. 🚫SPOILERS🚫 this is a continuation of the ending of Killing Stalking