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I wake up 15 minutes earlier than my alarm, i turn it off in advanced to it wouldn't disturb my roomate. after doing so i went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and such. when i came out Louis was already awake and was sitting on his bed.

"good morning lad" i greet him

"heh, do you actually talk like that or do you just talk like that infront of me because im british?" he asks while looking at me.

"yeah no i don't normally talk like this but i just thought it would be a nice gesture? im not mocking you i promise im sorry if im coming out as someone who's mocking you and british people i swear im no-"

"calm down mate" he cuts me off

i panicked thinking im stepping into the wrong foot until he told me to calm down. i didn't want to seem like a dick and ruin my chances of being his friend.

"have ya done a table read before?"

"uhh no actually but i do know what it is and all. its reading a script right?" i answer

"well yeah..oh and we might be filming the pilot later after the table read since we're going early from 6am to 8pm.. table reads dont take that long. its like 1 hour an episode" he informs me

"you certainly know alot with the whole industry and stuff" i tell him

"well yes i reckon i've been in it for a few years"

"ugh i can't wait to work in more projects i always dreamed about being an hollywood actor and working with people i admired and love...like you

as an idol ofcourse" i added

"aw thanks thats sweet...well we better get ready it is a big day" he says standing up.

we both got changed and went with the cast to the production location. we then did a table read for 2 episodes at around 7am and finished at 9am. we were told we aren't gonna shoot the pilot until 2 days since they need to finalize the script and such so it was a short day of production.

"hey guys what about we stay in my room until the night today aye? spend the day there...hangout?"

the cast stopped and looked at andrew as he suggested a hangout idea. all of the cast agree so we got lunch at the hotel before going to Andrew's room.

"what- this is so big that's unfair"

florence jokes and tells andrew as the whole group went inside. it was truly huge and luxurious. i also asked him about it.

"well i am an executive producer on the show and my grandad also owns the hotel"

"jesus doesnt he own the restarurant too? you're like filthy rich" louis shares.

Andrew and Louis chats. no lies were told, they ARE filthy rich. must feel pretty good to have that much money.

The group then laid on the bed, sat on the floor, laid on top of each other. it was pretty compact but it was cool, it showed how much we are starting to get comfortable. Andrew then turned on the tv and switched to netflix.

"MEAN GIRLS" i shouted when i saw the title. everyone looked at me and laughed.

"i've seen that movie like 100 times" florence looks at me as she said that.

"well our friend louis here hasnt seen it at all"

i look over to louis who is also looking at me. he then nods showing that he would like to watch it. the cast agreed and we watched the movie.


the movie never gets old, its GOLD. after the movie finished the group just went into talking mode and we talked about everything. our life and the stuff we do. i was enjoying it until—

"have you been into relationships Oliver?" Sadie pitches in.

i hate that question, well yeah i've been in relationships i just dont like telling people that i've dated both genders,

that im bi.

"well yeah...i uhh i've dated people before. i had my first uh girlfriend at 7th grade which didn't last long actually..then i got a boyfriend by the middle of 8th grade but he cheated on me and my last girlfriend broke up with me before the summer of this year so i am currently single and not sure if im ready to mingle" i nervously share in a somewhat fast way.

i don't know if what i said was depressing but it did some impact cus they were looking at me weirdly. Suddenly everyone was being nice and was telling me on how they felt sorry and such. i just told them it was no big deal at all then here came the most dense question i have ever heard off

"you dated a girl..then a guy...then a girl"

what surprised me the most is that louis asked me it. does he know anything about the spectrum of our gender? i look at him thinking he was joking at first until he didn't say a punchline.

"im bisexual louis" i say with a straight face (lmao straight face and he isn't.... okay i'll go now -m)

"OH im so sorry that was such a dumb question haha um.. well congrats? uh no uh good for you"

he says with a nervously followed with a smile, i think he might've been afraid to offend me in any way. it was adorable to be honest. i let out a giggle and said thank you just to match what he said.

ever since that we started filming and hanging out. the cast was amazing and we had a lovely time filming for a solid month until we all got an email

**** Production
   Filming Schedule Delayed

huh... well that isnt a big deal right just delayed for 1 day? yeah thats what we all thought till andrew noticed us and alerted that it's delayed for another 2 MONTHS im sorry what-

okay yuh yuh this is where it gets all interesting and stuff im VERY excited for the future chapter but i hope yall liked it. did you? if you did, mind faving it? it would motivate me to do more chapters so much

1052 words

He Never Falls - Louis Partridge BxB fanfic (Ongoing)Where stories live. Discover now