1,025,109 words in the English language.
1,025,109 words to choose from.
That's 1,025,109 more words than what can express the storm inside of me.
How can this be?
I don't understand it.
Raindrops slamming onto the rooftops, threatening entrance. Clashing sounds of thunder errupt against lightning bolts like nuclear fission.
Isolation. Drowning in a sea of thoughts. Alone, terrified, paranoid.
Perhaps words cannot even begin to describe the emotions.
1,025,109 words in the English language.
1,025,109 words to choose from.
That's 1,025,109 more words than what can express the storm inside of me.
Poetic Whispers...
PoetryUmmm....this is just a thing? A thing for me to write in when i'm so terribly bored with writing on paper and I would prefer to put my poetry an such on the internet? Ummm, yeah. Yeah? yeah.