𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞

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No One P

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No One P.O.V

"GRANDMA!" Marcus says running up to to Rue and giving her a hug. "Hii My little nieto!" Rue says while picking him and giving him a ton of kisses around his face.

"Hey Ma." Rio says while smiling and giving her a hug. "Hi mi hijo." She says while giving Rio a kiss on his cheek. "Hey Marcus why don't you go play with Bella, while I talk with your dad okay." Rue says causing the boy to nod and run out into the yard and play with the teacup dog.

"Okay what do you want because you only come when you need something." Rue says as her and Rio sat down onto the porch. "Wow well that's just cruel but I do need your help." Rio says causing Rue to roll her eyes.

"Okay What do you need help with now." Rue says while waving at Marcus who was waving at Rue. "This." Rio says while bringing a small box out his pocket and giving to Rue causing her eyes to widen.

"Oh my, Christopher your gonna proposeto Megan!" Rue says while clapping her hands while smiling

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"Oh my, Christopher your gonna propose
to Megan!" Rue says while clapping her hands while smiling. "Yeah I need you to watch Marcus because I wanna do it tonight." Rio says. "Of course I'll watch him, it's about time you propose y'all been together since y'all was teenagers." Rue says while smiling.

"Yeah I know ma." Rio says with a chuckle. "Don't you need to go get ready?" Rue asks. "Yeah I need to, Megan is with Natasha and Jonathan at the recording studio and they will be done soon." Rio says before standing up. "We'll go on I won't keep you to long." Rue says giving Rio another hug.

"Marcus give Your dad a hug okay." Rue says. "Bye daddy!" Marcus says while giving him a hug. "See ya lil man." He says before ruffling Marcus hair and hopping in to his car and heading home to set up his and Megan's dinner.




"That was sounds amazing Meg the fans gonna love this." Jonathan says. "Yeah they gonna love this it's a whole ass summer anthem!" Natasha says while twerking in her seat. "Yes mam, Jonathan you gotta hop on a track with me asap." Megan says while smiling.

"I gotchu." Jonathan responded back while dapping Megan up. "I got something to tell y'all something actually." Megan says before standing up and grabbing her purse.

"What you mean?" Natasha asks while glancing over to a Jonathan with a "oh shit" type of look. "Is it sometime bad?" Jonathan asks. "Nah it's a good thing actually." Megan says sitting back down.

"It's these actually." Megan says while smiling and pulling out three pregnancies sticks. That's said the word Positive.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP YOUR PREGNANT! Natasha says while jumping up and down

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"SHUT THE FUCK UP YOUR PREGNANT! Natasha says while jumping up and down. "Congratulations Meg." Jonathan says while giving Megan a hug. "Wait does Rio knows?" Natasha asks.

"Nope I'm gonna tell him tonight." Megan says while putting the pregnancies tests in her purse. "Okayy girly, I'm finally gonna be a god mommyyy!" Natasha says while clapping her hands. "Wait but you was a god mother to Jonathan kid." Megan says.

"Shut up bitch let me have my moment." Natasha says causing Jonathan and Megan to laugh. "Let get back to work and get that money!" Jonathan says. "Hell yeah let's get that money!" Megan says while laughing and glancing down at her stomach.

☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:✧*⋆.*:・゚✧.: ⋆*・゚: .⋆ ☾


Sorry this one was short next chapter will be longer trying to get back into the swing of things! N e wayy I hoped you enjoyed this chapter please give feedback in the comments luv you guys ♥︎

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