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(F/N) had yet to forgive him for his little slip-up and Dazai is quite sure that the chances of him being excused are shrinking inversely proportionate to the time he has to spent on being crumpled in a small hideout with Atsushi and Kunikida. As if that wasn't enough, Kunikida decided that since they had no way of finding out if Dostojevski was involved in the child trafficking case, he decided to ask the Port Mafia for help. Adding to Dazai's annoyance is Chuuya, who now sourly eyes him as if Dazai were to figure out how they could check the containers that are being guarded by goons in balaclavas.

    Child trafficking, a nasty business. He had never really thought about it before, and now...

    Well, given the circumstances, if this case got any longer, he won't see his own kid before it's all over.

    "Can you just focus? I don't want to be here any longer than I have to," Chuuya utters, giving him a nasty look. "Either you let me take care of them or just come up with some plan, okay? Because this is getting ridiculous."

    Dazai blinks, slightly confused, before realizing he spaced out. Yet again. (F/N) was right. He is prone to that...

    (F/N)... He misses her already. He told her it'll only take a couple of days, yet here he is, crunching next to pissed of Chuuya, nearly two weeks after he had a dubious pleasure to have a one-sided conversation with the bedroom door, where she locked herself in.

    "Oi! Dazai! Snap out of it, would you?!" Chuuya elbows him, making him nearly fall on the dirty floor.

    "Did they move?" Dazai tries to regain his composure but to no avail since it takes him a long moment to realize not a single soul moved by the containers. He feels sorta stupid.

    "The hell is wrong with you? Are you working for Dostoyevsky or something?"

    "Excuse me?"

    "You're even worse than usual. I can see that something is wrong. If I as much a get a bruise because of you, Kunikida will be your least concern."

    Dazai gives him a blank stare. He doesn't like Chuuya getting so worked up. Spaced out or not, Dazai thinks, he forgot who he is dealing with.

    "I asked if they were still there. Know your place, Chuuya," he deadpans, a dark glint in his eyes making it obvious for the latter, he's not in a joking mood. That is as if he ever was in the first place.

    Chuuya snorts, masking his apparent discomfort for being put in his place.

    "Don't get your knickers in a twist... As you can tell, we're not all peaches and daisies on that godawful dirty excuse of a floor."

    Dazai purses his lips in a sour smile before pushing Chuuya to see what happened when he was spaced out. The goons finally moved and it looked like the containers are about to get opened. A good opportunity to strike. Dazai can finally get this over with and return home, where, waiting for him, probably still furious, is (F/N).

    Yup, it's a great time to strike but as he tries to get up and make his way out of the corner behind the metal boxes, where he's been waiting with Chuuya for the past couple of hours, the latter jerks him back.

    "You're dumber than you look if you think I'll let you go anywhere when you clearly space out faster than the UFO."

    Dazai gives him a dirty look when he picks himself up from the dusty floor.

    "Leave thinking to me."

    "Like fuck! Better tell me what's going on. Right now."

    "First of all, nothing's going on. Second, that's none of your business," spats Dazai, to which Chuuya snorts.

    "It's (L/N), right? She finally got her head on and left you."

    "Certainly not-!"

    "Yeah, right."

    Chuuya doesn't look convinced and since his first remark quite got to him, Dazai feels an urgent need to make him believe him. Probably even more because after these weeks he's not able to say whether (F/N) is still waiting for him, whether Dazai actually has somewhere to come back.

    So he briefly tells him about their last conversation, and with each word, Chuuya's jaw drops even lower. When it finishes, Chuuya's mouth looks like a gaping hole.   

    "You really are a fucking dolt, you know?" Chuuya states finally and at least now Dazai can't argue with him, because he really feels stupid for his slip-up.

    "What's done, is done," says Dazai, brushing hair from his forehead.

    "What's done, is done but that doesn't mean you shouldn't do anything to make it up to her. She's pregnant, not fat, you idiot."

    "It's not like I don't know that ..."

    "Apparently." Chuuya purses his lips sourly. "Look, I can't believe I'm about to say that, but she loves you enough to bring your devil's spawn into the world -"


    "If I were her, I wouldn't forgive you that easily," Chuuya continues mercilessly, "but I'm not her. Just buy her something nice and grovel long enough, and everything will work out, okay?"

    Dazai ponders for a moment about Chuuya's words. He doesn't want to admit it, but he knows he's right.

    "A necklace, a ring, or a bracelet?" Dazai asks absentmindedly.

    "Like fuck would I know ?! She's your wife, not mine." Chuuya spats. "But as long, as we're here, you won't get anything done, right? Let's just get this over with and as for all I care, you can spend another week in a jewelry store, trying to pick something for her . "

    "Will you help me choose?"

    Chuuya looks at him, clearly disbelieving his words. Dazai radiantly smiles, thinking that the irony in his voice was lost to Chuuya.

    "I take the back, you take care of the front," Chuuya informs dryly, before literally storming from behind the containers, where they've been hiding.

    However Dazai's smile disappears and his face blanches, as he hears a faint click. That sound isn't lost to Chuuya either, because he stops dead on his tracks. The last thing Dazai remembers is a blank stare from Chuuya, he clearly can hear him utter a curse before a sound of a giant explosion rolls over the dusty floor.

    After that everything goes black.

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2021 ⏰

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