I'm Curious About Something

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-Are you free to talk?

-Of course!

-I'm just calling because... I can't see the text you sent me.

-Huh? How come?

-Ah, so... I was taking a quick break after the practice when I heard ute cat noises from outside.

-Cat noises? Ah, are your text notification sounds set to cat noises?

-No, so... I followed the cat noises but there was no cat to be found, but there was an enormous... Appletree!

-Um... Weren't we talking about texting?

-Ah, keep listening and I'll get there... I climbed up the apple tree because I wanted some apples, but a really scary tiger was waiting in the branches.

-What? A tiger?

-So I jumped down from the apple tree to escape the tiger coming after me.

-You didn't have to jump...

-Then I woke up! But both my phone and I had fallen out of bed. My phone's screen cracked when it fell, so I couldn't see the text!

-So the point is... your phone screen broke.

-I explained that a little too slowly, didn't I? I'm sorry...

-You're not slow, Jimin, the world's just fast-paced.

-That's the first time I've heard that. Heh, that's a nice saying.

-This is a secret, but actually... My world is about 7 years behind.

-7 years?! I want to live like that, seems fun...

-The text I sent was about the first meeting with all the members tomorrow, 2 pm at the café in front of the agency.

-Thank you for letting me know! I'll make sure I'm not late!

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