Chapter Thirty-Three

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Nikoli paced in front of the church, glancing at his watch every five seconds. They were running late. The women were supposed to be here twenty minutes ago. What if something happened? What if the limo was in an accident? What if she was taken again? What if...

"Brat, calm your shit." Conner's large hand landed on his shoulder. "It's fine. They've just hit some traffic."

"How do you know that? Something could have..."

"Viktor has one of his men, Jasper Watkins, trailing them. He reported in a few minutes ago. They've hit some traffic."

Relief hit him like a brick wall, and he stumbled. Conner caught him. "It's fine, Nikoli. She's safe."

"I don't know what I'd do if I lost her again."

"You're not going to."

"I think about that bastard who took her and how he got bail while he's waiting on his trial, and it's all I can do to keep from screaming some days."

"He got bail?" Conner's eyes hardened, and a darkness slithered through them.

"He got a new lawyer, and he was able to reverse the previous judge's decision. I haven't told Lily. I didn't want to upset her. That's why I'm so nervous about her being late. Greggory took her once, and he might try again."

"Don't you worry, brat. The fucker won't get near her again. I swear it."

Nikoli paused at the dark promise in his brother's voice. Conner had changed since he'd returned home from the Marines. He wasn't the fun-loving person he'd been. Nikoli hadn't seen much of him since he came home, but the few times he had, he noticed the change. It was more evident now than ever. His brother looked deadly, almost cruel.

Before Nikoli could say anything, Viktor appeared.

"You can't be cussing like that in front of a church," he whispered. "Mama and Babby are around. If they hear you saying 'fucker,' they'll..."


"Owwwee!" Viktor squealed when the wooden spoon smacked him.

"Did I no teach you better manners, Viktor? It is church!"

The tiny woman looked fierce as she glared at her grandson. Their babushka could be downright funny, but when it came to religion, she was hardcore.

"I was telling them not to say 'fuckers,' Babby, not..."

Whap! Whap! Whap!

"Stop whacking me!"

"What is going on here?" Ronin Kincaid had on his drill sergeant face. Their father was taller than most of them, except for Dimitri, who had a good two inches on their father. His raven hair now was streaked with gray, but his onyx eyes were still as sharp as they were when the boys were little.

"I was telling them not to be cussing, and Babby is whacking me!"

"You were the one who said the bad word!"

"Viktor, I am disappointed."

Viktor hung his head at his mother's words. Nik kept his mouth shut about his own cuss words, as did Conner. Neither of them wanted to disappoint their mother.

"I think we should move this along into the church." Dimitri stood behind them watching with a grin. He winked at Babby. "The limo is rounding the corner, and the groom cannot see the bride before the wedding. It's bad luck."

"Inside!" Babby waved her wooden spoon at Nikoli, and he took off up the steps before she could whack him. That damn spoon hurt like the devil. How Mama had let her bring it was beyond him.

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