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───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────

She was back in confinement once more. The air was cool, sending shivers down her spine. The girl's eyelids felt heavy like she hadn't slept properly in years. She wasn't that surprised; she hadn't.

She tried to adjust her position to be more comfortable if that was even possible on the solid flooring. Nevertheless, no matter the effort put in, she couldn't move. Looking down at her thin wrists, she observed that they restrained within an intricate knot, obviously made using magic. She expected there was some sort of charm on the rope that made it impossible to escape.

A guttural noise escaped her throat when she caught sight of the figure lurking in the darkness. Ghostly skin could be seen as the moonlight cast a beam across his face. The pair of cardinal eyes never wavered, staring into her soul as if he was daring her to break eye contact first.

"I see you have finally decided to wake in my presence," he uttered slowly, cracked lips spreading into an evil smirk, exposing a set of rotting teeth. 

"Oh, yes! I've been waiting for your arrival, oh mighty one," she spat back sarcastically.

"Now, now... that's no way to treat your Lord, is it?" he replied, his smirk growing to the extent it looked like his face would rip in half.

"My judgement will never change. I don't care what you do!"

With a flick of his wand, her restraints tightened, slowly cutting off her circulation and causing a slight whimper to release from her lips. She hated that she didn't have the physical power to fight back. He technically had the upper hand, but she wouldn't give him the information he wanted; it's not like she was omniscient. However, he couldn't get it into his thick skull that she didn't know how things would follow through. Sure she knew the minor details, but she wouldn't let him in on that secret. Years in captivity had given her the time to strengthen her occlumency skills, locking away all the precious knowledge inside her head. They weren't to be shared with anyone unless it was to aid the light. That certainly didn't apply to the dirty cretin in front of her.

"Nagini, come and say hello to our guest." Her front slightly faltered when she noticed the snake emerge from behind him and start slithering towards her, yellow eyes locked on her arm.

The girl trembled as the smooth scales came into contact with her flesh, slowly wrapping around her wrists. They were already starting to tingle due to the lack of blood flow.

"Nagini, show what happens when one defies their superior."

The snake continued to slide around her joints. Although, she started to work her way to the girl's fingers and squeeze those. Her heartbeat quickened, watching as he narrowed his eyes at her.

"Tell me how to get the prophecy, girl." She knew her fingers were purple, most likely starting to turn blue. Panting breaths released from her lungs as she began to panic.

Quicker and tighter and quicker and...


She awoke with a huge gasp, attempting to tug her hands as close to her as humanely possible. Her panic only increased when she met resistance from her right palm. Her breathing remained erratic as she took in her surroundings.

"Hey, hey. You're alright. You're alright," a soothing voice broke her trance.

Her eyes skitted all over the person's face in front of her. Hazel met mocha. She stopped; the girl just stared. A vague recognition of feeling safe in the woman's hands overcame her.

"Don't worry, you're safe now. Shh," the lady spoke calmly.

Looking down at her right hand, the girl examined as bandages were replaced around her digits. So that explained why she felt restricted. But it felt so real...and why were they using muggle methods? Had the injury not responded to magic?

"Can you tell me your name, darling?" Her eyes flicked back up to the woman's, trying to catch a hint of any malicious intent. When she didn't find any, her scratchy voice replied.

"Don't have one." It hurt to speak. The last 'visit' had presumably damaged her vocal cords.

The woman looked up in shock for a second before shaking her head slightly. "No matter, love. I just need to pop downstairs for a minute, is that okay?" She replied with a nod of acceptance, not wanting to strain herself any further.

Watching as the woman exited the doom, her attention moved to the details of the room she was in.

It was surprisingly large, with shades of green and silver decorated throughout. Emerald drapes hung over the bed she lay on; the canopy displayed something that resembled a crest. Her vision was altering too much to distinguish what the phrase underneath said. A large poster with a snake embellished was attached to the wall. A Hogwarts house? Slytherin, perhaps? They had talked about Slytherin a lot.

The door creaked open suddenly, startling the teenager. A lanky, aged wizard stood in the frame. His silver flowed across his shoulders, slightly blending into the beard that fell down his chest; it looked long enough to tuck into the belt underneath his robes. She remembered his face from her 'dreams', twinkling eyes and all. 

A force abruptly pierced her head. It was extremely uncomfortable and she knew then that he was trying to read her. Using only minimal effort, she forced him out, narrowing her eyes slightly.

"I would appreciate it if you stayed out of my head," she stated with no emotion.

An amused smile painted his face, making his eyes crinkle at the corners.

"Where am I?" she questioned. She needed to know if she could trust them enough to stay here. Trust didn't come easily to the girl.

"Welcome to Grimmauld Place. I would introduce myself, but I have a feeling you already know who I am."

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────

AN- I'm trying to make the chapters longer : )) Please let me know if you like the story so far, any opinions would be greatly appreciated.

Q- What is your Hogwarts house? I'm a Gryffindor

Until next time...

[written- 09/04/2021]

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2021 ⏰

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