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Hpd- (Histronic personality disorder) psychological disorder usually beginning in early adulthood, characerized by excessive emotional expression and attention seeking behavior.

Ocd- (obsessive compulsive disorder) An anxiety disorder characterized by excessive thoughts (obsessive) that lead to repetitive behavior (Compulsions)


Harry was a boy with Hpd, and Louis was a boy with Ocd.

Harry was a boy who demanded attention, and Louis was a boy obsessed with giving it to him.


an; hello peeps. This is my first joint story, with the amazing and talented Rezii__ so basically she wrote every thing that's slanted (except, this. . ) and I wrote everything thing that's in bold and is slanted. She will write everything in Harry's point of view and I write everything in Louis' p.o.v.

~Maya O.o

Perfectly dysfunctional | | Larry auWhere stories live. Discover now