Looking up.

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Now when I looked up, I was expecting to see some over-weight druggo who just so happens to have a strong bulit and smells amazingly of manliness. So, when I looked up and instead found myself face-to-face with no other than Chase something-a-rather you could imagine my surprise, especially considering he's one of the most talked about topics in the office.

Chase-fucking-something-a-rather. Now I don't see why his name is always brought up, I mean he's attractive and all but, after two years of working in that same office, with his name always wigglying it's way into every conversation, you kinda start to hate the guy. I still can't believe that I don't even know his last name though, especially considering he introduced himself personally to me when he started working there, hand shaking and all but, then again that really was the only time we really ever exchanged words, nevertheless glances.

I shamelessly stare in shock not daring to look away at the man infront of me but, after a few moments of over-thinking and confusion, I ask in a nervous and to my dismay coaky tone, "Why?" The corners of his mouth twitches in a grin, as if he's hiding some inside joke.

"Why what?" I feel annoyed at his premature mind games but, nevertheless press on.

"Why am I here? What do you want with me?" I demand, having the urge to spur 'What's your fucking last name?' but, figure it wasn't relevent to my escaping.

He chuckles lighty and it's only then that I relise I'm closer, face-to-face with my kidnapper, breathing heavyly with angry. He's different; his hair is longer, his eyes more relaxed rather than the hush sharpness I felt when we were first introduced. We're staring at eachother, unblinking, nether of us backing down out of our ongoing slient battle for dominance.

He looks down at my lips, then my eyes, then down my body eventually going back to my eyes. I know his game. I know he's looking for a reaction, some kind of weakness but, my piecing glaze doesn't allow it and to my relief, my body isn't giving anything away.

He stops his investigation for weakness and looks at me, really looks at me; with so much intensity my eyes and body are basically demanding to give in to submission. Leaning in, he touches my hand and I immedaitly shutter and blink momentarily before regaining focus and glaring at him. He studies me, holding my glaze, before reaching once again for my hand; I slapped it away quickly before he has the chance to even glaze my skin and I grow even more sick of these games.

"What do you want with me?" I ask again, this time with more angry. He's still staring at me, unfazed by my question. After careful speculartion on his part, he's sighs deeply and replies.

"Well, to be honest I'm here because you seem to hate me."

"So, how does that lead to me being here, forcefully I might add?" He chuckles lighty.

"Because I'm intriuged as to why you would, the first day we met, you didn't even attempt to smile and not once since we've met have you attemped to appoach me or even glance my way. Oh, and I know how you dispise my name whenever it's in a conversation." I seriously think he's a weirdo for thinking everyone likes him but, then again I only started hating him recently, you know when he drugged and kidnapped me. This time I chuckle or in more apporiant context laughed.

"So, the reason you drugged and kidnapped me was because, I didn't nessecery like you?" He smiles weaky at this but, before he replies I press on, "I have you know, that the only reason I hate you at the moment is because you drugged and kidnapped me also I didn't hate you in the office, I just didn't nessecary like how your name would wriggle it's way into every conversation." He stares at me angryily but, I still want to say one last thing before I finish, "Why couldn't you just appoach me?"

You can definitely see that he is in full rage, from the intense glare his eyes hold to the tense jaw line and fists with white knuckles doing little to hide his rage. "Do. Not. Upset. Me." He voice makes me shutter almost immediately, making drop my glaze from his and instead play with my fingers.

He grips my chin and pulls my head up forcefully making me stare into his the ongoing rage his eyes hold. I frown at this, why is it that he is so angry, I purely told him what I thought of him... Wait. Is he mad because I teased him?

"So I take it, you don't like to be teased?" I smirked. He tightens his grip on my chin and I yelp in surprise when he forces me up so that our breaths are intwined and our lips are almost touching. I shiver involuntary. He takes in my discomfort, grinning as he runs his eyes along my body. "Get. Off. Me." I drag each word as I glare into his eyes.

He slams me into the headboard with his body making me gasp, taking advantage of this he kisses me and angled himself so that he is between my legs and my hands are just above the headboard. His kiss is hard and forceful, trying to gain my response, which just so happens to be me wriggling underneath him constantly as rattle my brain for any tips my father may of given me to fight. I bite his tongue and he growls sitting back, I spit the blood to the side, both of us then rubbing our mouths as we glared silently at each other.

"You shouldn't of done that." He states with a deep, menacing tone.

"Fuck you!" I snap and he lunges at me once again. This time he goes for the neck, lightly sucking and biting it. my toes curl in pleasure as I feel my face heat. I feel him smile against my skin and it pisses me off. I bite his ear hard and he pulls away with a curse but, looks up smiling evilly.

Fuck. I'm going to get fucking raped aren't I. Fuck me and my hormonal self, what has it been? Fuck now that I've think about it, I've never had sex before. Great, wait, no, fuck this shit, I'm going to kill him.

Our breathing is once again mixed and his eyes intensify as my breathing becomes rigid under the pressuring glaze he holds. A moment of silent passes as I become increasing uncomfortable. I'm glaring at him as I struggle to find comfort within his grasp.

"Fuck off." I state violently. I want him off, I want to move around without being held down by him, his eyes are like pits of fire but, nevertheless unleashes me and hops off the bed, clearly frustrated at my lack of obedience and submission.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2019 ⏰

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