Chapter 1

360 12 1


Word Count: 1597 words

Warnings: Nothing other than a small amount of swearing




"I love you."

"How can you love me?"

"Because you are t-"

I can't remember more, I never have been able to. This was the only memory I had left from before the incident and I couldn't even remember it. It pained me to think that I had some memory about love but would never know anything about it.

"Mama?" My thoughts instantly directed to the present, my 5 year old son curled up in my lap.

"Yes dear?" I gently asked as I played with his hair, my other hand holding him close. His hair was so bright and red, but I had no clue about who he got it from. I didn't know the father after all. I can't even remember being pregnant, but I remember giving birth.

"Why do you wear that mask?" He reached up his small hand to touch the cool metal on my face. It was a light but thick material that covered my mouth and the tip of my nose. Sometimes I forgot I was wearing it.

I gently put my hand over his. "Mama doesn't want to scare anyone with her face, especially you." She gave him a smile but she knew he wouldn't be able to see it.

"Can I see your face sometime?" He asked and I held him closer against my chest, feeling his body warm up.

"Of course Kaji, but not yet."


"Mom!" What on earth could he want now? He was 15 for goodness sakes. He can do his own shit.

"Come quick!" With a groan I trudged up the stairs to his bedroom and opened the door.

"What is it?" Within seconds he rushed me over to his computer. All Might was on the screen in a teacher's uniform, and that's when it hit me. It was his acceptance letter. My son was accepted to UA, the same school I went to.

I gave him a proud smile even though he couldn't see it then reached up to ruffle his hair, he had gotten to be quite a tall teenager.

"Good job kid." I whispered as I watched the screen, "You're gonna be a hero now."

"Like you?" I smiled at his question.

"Better." Kaji soon started crying and quickly engaged me in a tight hug, his arms encasing my torso.  I laid my head on his chest with my hands softly against him.  He was my boy and I was so proud of him

"You're gonna kick ass better than All Might himself."

"You really think so?"

"Definitely." I pulled away from the hug and wiped the gentle stream of tears from his eyes.  "Now wanna help me with work?" He slightly smiled at that, his sharp teeth showing.  He had gotten that from me.



As I parked my car, Kaji seemed to be bouncing with excitement.  He quickly jumped out onto the cool pavement before bolting to the door.  It wasn't often that I let him help with things in the office so it was a huge treat to him.

I'm Sorry // Endeavor x Reader {Mha/Bnha}Where stories live. Discover now