Some people I put in here are not that age or that is not their name but just keep that in mind
Daniela, 16, single, only child, has both parents, lives in a house with Anahi and Nicole
Daniela's cousin, Anahi, 15, single, one sister and one brother but in collage(twin), only has mother, lives with Daniela and Nicole
Their ride or die, Nicole, 15, single, famous, parent not known of, live with Daniela and Anahi
Cohen Muse, 15, single, twin sister Kylie, lives with friends, and famous
Kylie Muse,15, taken, lives with friends, famous
Kobe Morris aka Kbreeezo, 19, parents unknown, lives with friends, famous, single
Derek Trendz, 17, bestfriends w/ Anahi, only mother, only child, famous, single^
Aya, 16, bestfriend kylie, crush cohen, famous, only child, parents unknown(both live w/ friends
Vaughn, 17, Anahi's bestfriend, famous, single