Chapter 13: I can give you grandkids

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"Yibo, you were really young and you made a hasty decision. Your marriage ended in a divorce but that doesn't mean you should give up on love and marriage. If you're not ready at the moment, give yourself a few years then try again", Yibo sat with his parents that evening after dinner. His interview went well and he was asked to resume in two weeks. His father wanted to find him a wife but Yibo refused.

"I never said I was giving up on love. As for marriage, I cannot promise you".

"That's what I'm saying. You're avoiding commitments but it shouldn't be so. You're still very young. Keep your mind open. If you don't want me to find you someone, I wouldn't but I don't want you to be all alone in the city. I have your mum and she keeps me company. Trust me, there would be days you would crave the company of another person".

"Dad, you don't understand. I'm not alone. I have someone already...".

Yibo's dad sat upright on his sit, placing his elbows on the arm rest. "Oh, I was worried for nothing but... that was fast. It has not even been a year. Besides, you never go out. Have you been dating someone around? How come I haven't heard anything? Yibo...don't tell me you were cheating while you were married"

"Ahem", Yibo cleared his throat. He had never discussed such issues with his parents. Even his previous marriage, he just informed them of it after he had made a decision. "Dad, he doesn't live around here, I can assure you, you don't know him. I'm dating a boy, not a girl. No, I wasn't cheating".

Yibo's mum who had been silent all along decided to chip in. "Oh, so that's how it is. Where is he from? What does his family think? What does he do?"

"Please take it easy on him, one question at a time. Can't you see his ears are all red? It must have been difficult for him to open up to us. Calm down".

"Don't misunderstand me. I'm not complaining. I'm just curious. I stayed away the first time and see how it turned out. This time around, I don't want anything to go wrong".

"Mum, dad, you should trust me this time. I was impulsive the first time and I was in a hurry to... I don't even recall what the rush was for so I ended up in that marriage. This time around, its different. I know we cannot get married but we intend to be together, partners for life. If we ever go abroad, we would get married".

"Please don't ask too much. Just know he is a good guy and you'd love him. His family is okay with it. With time, you'd get to know everything about him".

That being said, his parents decided to trust Yibo. His mum still had a little concern.

"Even if you don't get married, do you intend to have kids? Have you talked about it with your partner?"

"Yes we have. He intends to have kids but I... I haven't really considered it. Give me a few years mum. I can give you grandkids if you want as long as you would help take care of them".

"Of course! I won't allow you both take care of kids on your own. You know nothing about it but I don't know if your partner does", Yibo's mum was visibly happy. "Just send them over here for as long as you want, its no problem". She turned to Yibo's father who nodded in agreement with her.

"This partner of yours, what is his name? Where does he live?", they had been referring to him as 'partner' and Yibo's dad felt it would be nice to refer to him by his name.

"His name is Zhan, surnamed Xiao. He lives in the city. He is really shy but I'd bring him home sometime when he is more comfortable".

Yibo's dad sighed. He was worried as to why Yibo was keeping his identity a secret. He could tell Yibo wasn't being open with them but he had a good feeling. He felt this time, Yibo actually made a good choice of a partner.

Yibo helped clear the dishes. His parents have always been understanding but he didn't expect this discussion to go so well. They were probably happy to know he wasn't going to end up alone. He was more than happy. He wanted to give Xiao Zhan enough time to get used to the new life he had planned for them before bringing him to his parents. He was deep in thoughts when his mother walked up to him.

"Even if you decide to keep secrets from your father, you're not going to keep any from me right?". Yibo knew he could tell his mother anything. The day he asked her if she ever met a mer person, she was honest enough to tell him the truth. She found one stuck to a net, she was scared but she helped him out and he thanked her and left. Yibo had also told her met one too but he didn't tell her everything.

"Hmm. Xiao Zhan is the merman I told you about. I've known him for long, long before I left the country and we have been close since then. It's a little complicated but..."

"Tell me everything"

Yibo went ahead and told her everything. Having met one herself, she believed Zhan wasn't dangerous. She thought he was interesting and couldn't wait to meet him. Yibo had never felt so happy in his life. He had the person he loved and his parents were in support. Zhan had agreed to move away with him. The city was 6 hours away from home and Yibo had bought a car. He wanted to drive down with Xiao Zhan, admiring the scenery as they went. He got a place just a stone throw from the beach so they could visit whenever they wanted. He couldn't wait to take Zhan shopping for clothes as all Zhan had were things Yibo gave him.

Xiao Zhan knew Yibo was spending a lot just to make him comfortable and he had been thinking of a way to help out. The only thing of value he had were those pearls. They were abundant where he lived, he just had to find a way to convert them into human money to give to Yibo. He had collected a whole box of them but he still feared they were not enough.

He sat at their meeting place, waiting for Yibo. His uncle and cousins were aware of his origin and they knew he was leaving with Yibo. There was no way Yibo could come to them so they decided to come see him themselves. His cousins were afraid to leave the water so they stayed nearby while Zhan went ahead with his uncle. Soon, Zhan caught sight of Yibo but he was not alone. He was with a woman.

Yibo's mum was happy to meet Xiao Zhan and his family. She didn't recognize uncle Jiang but he did the moment he saw her. She was the same person who saved him and restored his faith in humanity. This settled his mind a bit, Xiao Zhan was going to meet a good family.

Yibo was also thrilled to meet others especially the mermaid. She was nothing like the animations he had seen. She looked simple and her tail was beautiful. To him, they didn't come close to Zhan's. His male cousin was a little withdrawn, he didn't look too friendly but Xiao Zhan assured him he was a ball of fluff, he rolled his eyes at Xiao Zhan several times and Yibo wondered how he didn't get dizzy from doing it so many times.

They stayed together for a few hours before parting ways. Yibo's mum preferred to keep his dad in the dark for a little longer. He was understanding but not that understanding.

On the day Xiao Zhan left, his family came to see him off. His cousins were sad to see him go but they knew finding him was easy as long as there was water around. Zhan said his goodbyes and took Yibo's hands as they walked hand in hand towards the sunset to start a new chapter of what would turn out to be the most interesting and adventurous part of their lives.

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