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If The Projects Could Talk

a favor doesn't equate to lifelong obligation

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a favor doesn't equate to lifelong obligation

a favor doesn't equate to lifelong obligation

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"You know pretty bitches luhh hood niggas!"

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"You know pretty bitches luhh hood niggas!"

The loud voices of screaming teens could be heard throughout the entire vicinity of the jumping block party Anael had found herself confined to.

After the events that had taken place merely a day earlier, Anael wasn't sure how she allowed herself to be persuaded into attendance. Yet there she was, front an center.

Hundreds of bodies comprised a sweaty pool, all mindlessly enjoying the scene around them. Anael, of course was the exception. She sat in a single corner of the humid room, bobbing her head when a passerby would glance at her and stirring an alcohol-free beverage around in the solo red cup confining it.

"Girl, why you over here by yourself?"

Her thoughts were suddenly interrupted when the voice of her only friend rang through her ears, knocking her out of the impermanent trance she had been placed under.

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