A Meetup At The Cafe

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he was alone now, more than ever and he cried his heart over the fact for a good 30 minutes before wiping off his tears and heading for liberity


on his way to the liberty he spotted a particular bluenette at the café she look absolutely torn, eyes red and puffy from all the crying, the sight of seeing her so broken made him want to cry too.as Marinette made her order she spotted a pair of beautiful blue eyes staring at her "L-Luka" she said trying not to stutter but its been a month since the last talked "Luka" she corrected trying to sound more stern 

"I'm sor-"

"its fine"

she cut him off short, Luka didnt get why she was acting this way "I'm over you anyways" she lied "o-oh thats...cool" he tried not t sound hurt but he hurt both of them instead "Y-yeah, I was over it ages ago" emphasizing on the word ages "but, we can still be friends, right?" 'the friend zone' she thought she was annoyed to say the least, but she was soon driven out of her thoughts when Luka called her for what felt like the thousandth time "marinette?" "W-what o-oh yeah the friend zon- i mean- just friends- agh- yeah we can still be friends" she mentally slapped herself for sounding like a fool "So, can I pay for your drink...since we're friends" "O-oh y-yeah" gosh did this girl not know how to say anything around this boy, she was allots acting the way she did with Adrien when she had feelings for him


past tense. 

She was moving on 


author's note 

 ik the chapters are short but they get longer i promise 

i have finals coming up and i need to study next chapter is going to be uploaded on Saturday next week

dont forget to vote if you enjoyed

word count: 305

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