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Her outfit:

Emma sat on her bed, since she was alone in her room

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Emma sat on her bed, since she was alone in her room. Turns out, that Regulus blacks room was keyed to those worthy.

The only three (or four) that could get in, was Emma herself, Sirius, Remus, and Kreacher.

She closed her eyes and let her glamours fall.

Her normally long dark black midnight hair is now a Auburn  color as short curly hair. Her normally vibrant light green eyes were now a dark cold blue color.

Her breasts were a cup or two bigger, and she was now 5'7 instead of 5'5. Her normally light skin with scars everywhere, was now a milky white. Though one scar remands.

A flower.

When she was younger, she had found a 'flower' she didn't know there were blades on it.

She pressed it to her shoulder, her thigh, and wrist.

There was blood everywhere.

Her magic was unable to heal her as well. Then again, at the time, she was only four. But at that time...she wanted to see blood. She wanted others to feel her pain.

She didn't realize until her inheritance and the goblins told her that this happened when a Veelas mate or themselves are injured or in intense pain.

No matter what people thought, she wasn't stupid.

She wasn't weak.

She wasn't like the bully of her father.

Sure, her father might of grown up, but, did he really try and safe Emma and Lily?

Look at this, Remus grew up quickly.

Sirius, even a bit childish, was pregnant (trans) with a child that got killed when he was sent to Azkaban.

Emma can't wait till the ministry sent a innocent 20 year old (only 20 when this happened in my AU) to jail, and even though he and Remus didn't tell Peter, the Auras (?)  and Peter killed a child who wasn't born yet.

The spell Peter used, was a dark spell. And that reducto he used, hit Sirius, killing the child.

Emma couldn't blame Sirius for doing this.

He was 8 months pregnant, had watched his two best friends body's lay still on the floor, thought his husband was betraying them, his shy, best friend had betrayed them, and he was blinded by rage.

Since Sirius and Bellatrix were next to each other, Emma and Remus are willing to bet that even though the two hated each other, Bellatrix comforted the distraught man.

While Bellatrix is cold, and harsh, she would rather not let her cousin suffer like this. His 8 month unborn baby had just been murdered. By his best friend.

Of course he wouldn't be thinking properly at that time. No sane human being would.

Emma let off her glamours and let out a shaky sigh.

Her normally long,untamable midnight black hair, was now an calm short, curly,Auburn that went to her shoulders.

The green eyes she was famous for, was now a light cold blue.

Her skin was now a milky white.

And her height was now an easy 5'7.

She had dark white wings on her back, and an bow and arrow on her hip.

Sirius had figured out that she was a guardian Veela, which meant that she made people's emotions and she guarded people.

When Emma had found out about Sirius and Remus's child, she had to be physically held back from going out and killing Peter herself.

Right now, she was planning on sending a letter to madam bones and a memory of what happened that night. She had seen the memory and knew that it would be good once everything was found out.


Sirius ran up to Godrics hollow, a hand on his stomach.

He gasped, hair already fuzzing up.

He ran inside, mindful not to hurt his child, whom he and Remus were planning on naming Astra Chara Lupin-black.

He let out a strangled gasp, looking at the lifeless form of his best friend. He ran upstairs, heading crying.


He fell into the room, as much as he wanted to mourn Lily right there, his goddaughter lived an attack from Voldemort and he needed to see her.

He picked her up, and looked at the blood on her face.

Her green eyes filled with tears.

They had added the glamour when she was younger so I'm the future she would know how she became a Veela, but now is not the time.

"Shhh~ come on, we can get you back to the flat and I can get the medical supplies."

He said softly, his own gray eyes filling with tears. He walked downstairs carefully, mindful of his stomach and the 1 year old.

"'Irius! Is it true?!"

Hagrid came up, crying.

Sirius nodded, quickly placing a glamour on his stomach. He didn't want anyone besides Remus, James, Lily and a few of his fellow healers to know.

Hagrid went to take Emma. Sirius took him out of his reach with wide eyes.

"Hagrid. This is my goddaughter please!! I need to heal her!!!"

Sirius begged, and Hagrid just shook his head sadly and summoned the baby.


She screamed, wanting the only one who's trying to heal her.

"HAGRID PLEASE!!! Let me take her to my flat, I'm not in the right state of mind! If you take her, I will go after Peter! I'm not sane right now. My best friends are dead, ones a traitor, and only recently me and my husband are living together again! And I'm 8 months pregnant I can't do any magic."

He begged, feeling the dread in his stomach grow as Hagrid walked away. The half Giant froze a little as he heard Sirius being 8 months pregnant.

"Good. Go after Peter."

"YOU DONT KNOW HIM LIKE I DO! He'll throw a reducto and kill my child!"

The two started fighting, the annoying half giant pissed off, while the beautiful Veela in hysterics at the thought of his goddaughter being taken away.

Sirius's eyes flashed a dark gray as Hagrid left.

He then saw a familiar man scurrying down the street.

"Peter!!! Please!!!! Why?!"

Sirius said, fastly walking behind Peter.

"Peter please! Don't do anything you'll regret! I can't even do magic!!"

Sirius begged, close to sobbing.

Peter looked at him. A weird look in his eyes.


He said, causing some to hit Sirius side. He started bleeding on his stomach.


Sirius yelled, now sobbing and in hysterics as Peter turned into a ran and ran into the sewer.

End of memory.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2021 ⏰

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