Wherever You Are

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Harry stands staring at the doors that soon will swallow him whole and take him far away from Louis. He knows his heart will stay right here, planted right in this spot. Right wherever Louis is, he'll uproot Harry's heart and take it with him just as he has always done. It's hard for Harry to think about, leaving the boy he's been in love with since he was sixteen. It's even harder for him to actually do it. Harry feels Louis' hands wrap around his arm in an attempt to bring him back to reality, but Harry fights to stay in his dreamland of LouisLouisLouisLouis.

It's been ten months since One Direction decided to go on hiatus. They said hiatus and Harry meant it, but he knows the rest of the boys meant breaking up. Harry won't let it go, the second the boys say they want it back, Harry will be the first one running to them. He will be the first one running to Louis, just as he always has been.

Harry and Louis tried. They gave it an honest go after the band split, for a while they pretended that they never had to end it. It was exhilarating at first, sneaking around like they did in the band, but it was hard. It was hard to find time to see each other and even harder to cover it up. They pretended that they never had to say goodbye, but they knew time was running out. Harry ignored it and clung to Louis for dear life. Louis held him but continued walking down the path of time, sinking in the quicksand in the hourglass. It was too hard on them. They fought, they didn't spend enough time together, they knew they had to say goodbye.

Again, Harry tried his damnedest to ignore it.

"Love, you have to get on the plane," Louis finally speaks up forcing Harry back to reality, back to where he stood losing the love of his life.

"No," Harry said simply.

"Haz, come on, you have to, we've talked about this."
"Then let's talk about it again, Lou. I'll talk about it until I'm out of breath, but please don't make me get on that plane," Harry pleads.
"Listen to me," Louis faces Harry to him and puts a hand on each of Harry's cheeks. "You will love your freedom; you'll love your time at home. Spend time with Gems and your mum, make some music, do everything you want to do without feeling like you have to hide."

"I don't want to do any of it without you," Harry lets his tears fall out of his eyes and onto Louis' hands, Louis wipes them away with his thumbs carefully.

"You will be perfectly fine, H. There was a time before me and there will be a time after me," Louis pulls Harry in for a tight hug. "You'll have the best time at home, and I'll be on my way to-"

"No," Harry cuts Louis off and holds him tighter. "Don't tell me or I'll catch the next flight home to you."
Louis' heart shatters in his chest.

"Get on the plane, Harry," Louis says stepping away from his boy. Harry keeps ahold of Louis. His shirt bunched in his fist. Louis untangles Harry's fingers from his shirt and takes another step back. "I love you." Louis' voice breaks but he refuses to cry, not in front of Harry.
Harry all but falls to the floor in tears.
"Get on the plane, they can't hold people out of the airport much longer." Harry stays put. "Please, Harry go." Louis is too far for Harry to reach, but he won't leave until he sees Harry walk through those doors. "Please." He says one last time and Harry goes because he can't take another second of looking at his boy stepping away from him. Harry takes one last look over his shoulder at Louis and sees him quickly wiping his cheeks.

"I love you too," Harry says and then walks down the plane terminal, the doors shut behind him. Once he finds the seat he wants, he puts his bags down and goes to the tiny bathroom. Harry puts his face in his hands and sobs until there's nothing left, and he's just standing there shaking. Like a ghost, he floats back to his seat and goes to sleep.

Louis waits by the window, watching until the plane takes off with his Harry. He's barely able to hold it all inside. He watches until he can't see the plane anymore and then he squats on the floor and cries for his broken relationship, he cries because he couldn't make it work.

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