Part 2 or Alternative Ending: You All Over Me

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"Hi, Harry,"

"Hi, Louis,"

Harry stares. It's all he can do to stop his heart from beating out of his chest and right into Louis. He feels the pieces he spent so long putting back together, slowly breaking, the glue coming apart at every seam.

"What in the hell are you wearing?" Louis laughs.

It's like they never missed a beat. It's like he doesn't remember telling Harry that he wasn't in love with him. It's like he doesn't remember walking out that door and dragging Harry's heart along with him.

"A suit," Harry says, trying to blink the image of Louis away. "Marc Jacobs,"

"It's ridiculous. I love it," Louis says running his finger along the bright yellow lapel.
"What are you doing here?" Harry asks bitterly. Louis' face falters. 

"I wanted to watch. I heard you were performing," Louis clears his throat. "It was beautiful, I love Falling,"

"Yeah, because it's about you," Harry spits back.

Louis bites his lip nervously. "I released an album about you too, you know,"

Harry is infuriated. "Yeah, well I wrote two,"

Harry shakes his head at himself. This isn't a pissing contest. He just doesn't know how to act around Louis anymore. He's angry and hurt and he hasn't seen him in four fucking years.

"I listened to it," Harry says, kinder this time.

"Did you know? Like I did when I listened to yours?" Louis asks, shoving his hands in his pockets.

"Thought they were about Eleanor," Harry shrugged.

Louis purses his lips and nods. Ill attempt at a joke. "She's still around. Forcibly,"

That hurts Harry to hear. He didn't know. He had forced every bit of Louis out of his social media, made sure he never looked at magazines with him in it. Anything he could do to wash himself of Louis after that night. He was free...ish but Louis, Louis still had to be controlled.

"I have to go-"

"Can we talk?" Louis asks. "Maybe not in a bathroom?"

"There's nothing to talk about, Louis. I made my peace with it. You followed me around for a year, you let me have sex with you one more time, you told me you didn't love me, and you left. There's nothing to talk about,"

"There's so much to talk about, H."

"Don't call me that," Harry spits back. "I don't even know you anymore,"

"Then let me introduce myself again," Louis says. "I'm still the Louis you once knew,"

Harry sighs. He's torn. He's done so much work on himself the past four years. It took three of those years to get over Louis, though he still loves him, he always will, he's that person that Harry will never be able to shake. If Louis asked him to jump, he'd ask how high, but he has to hold his ground, he has to hold his boundaries.

"Please just give me ten minutes," Louis asks.

Harry pulls his lip between his teeth, debating. He feels his walls deteriorate every second Louis stands in front of him. "Fine, just let me get my things," Harry huffs and walks back over to his table, collecting his things and heading to the back doors, he sees Louis ahead of him.

"Fuck, this is a horrible idea," Harry mutters to himself.

Still, he gets in the car that's waiting with Louis in it. While Harry grabbed his things, it went around the block before stopping to get Harry with Lois hidden inside. Just like old times, Harry thinks as he fights his way through the lights of the paparazzi cameras and into the back seat next to Louis.

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