Calm mornings

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(video credit: Morning Relaxing Music - Coffee Music and Sunshine (Elizabeth) by OCB Relax Music on YouTube)

It is very early in the morning when I wake up to a growl escaping Lian’s mouth as she moves from one side to the other, cuddling back up to Wulf.

I am pretty used to their change during a full moon by now, they are werewolves after all, but this time it was exceptionally rowdy here so I guess they both are pretty exhausted.

Luckily Penny was not here last night, not that she didn't know about us and how the other two are werewolves, but we still thought it would be better if she doesn't stick around for a night like this, things get quite spicy from time to time, no need for a ten year old to witness that. Fortunately our neighbor is a great friend of ours and also knows about our family, hence Penny usually sleeps over at her place during the two days of a month the full moon happens. Keziah is a healer from far away that settled down here in Taiwan, and she knows about the supernatural kinds, as well as about the treatment for different wounds. In general she is a very open lady and has helped us several times before when we needed to treat some too deep scratches or bites. Her healing procedures are usually very soothing and take effect quickly which is quite admirable as we have not had the best experiences with other healing potions so far, and trust me we tried several.

Anyways she is a good friend of us and she loves our daughter like it's her own grandchild, and Penny was not really different with her feelings toward the Keziah, ever since we adopted her she acted like Keziaha was her actual grandma, which does make sense considering that she doesn't remember anything about her family, having lived on her own in the forest for way too long. She was pretty mature for a ten year old and often had her bag ready a few days early when she knew a full moon was coming soon, already excited to spend her night at our neighbors place again. All of us were extremely happy with the fact that we had found such a loving friend when we moved into this apartment, and after we've seen how she and Penny interact with each other our hearts grew warm. It took us a while to get to know each other but we quickly figured out about her old life and she was no slower than us with figuring out that we were not an all human family and slightly more complicated than other families despite the supernatural thing. Keziaha is very well informed about different identities and thus immediately understood us oncce we told her that we are in a polyamorous relationship with each other, though she might have caught up on that herself fairly early into knowing us, we are not exactly the most subtle people, especially considering that Penny accepted each of us as one of her parental guardians ever since we had adopted her and with that, adresses us accordingly.

I let out a relaxed sigh as I think back to when we first asked Keziaha if she would be okay with taking care of Penny during the first full moon at the new apartment and a smile made its way to my lips.
Yeah, we truly had made one of the best choices yet when we moved into this apartment.

I turn my head to look at my two partners being cuddled up together right next to me before the smile on my lips starts to widen some more. How can two people be so cute when they are just… sleeping?
A question I don't know the answer too, but what I am aware of is that I don't mind it a single bit.
I change my position so that I am kneeling on my part of the bed before leaning over and pressing a kiss to their temples, they are really worn out, I know as much.
With that in mind I get up and throw on my black, hooded cardigan to leave for the kitchen in order to prepare some simple breakfast for Lian and Wulf. Sadly I am not some master chef so this is all I can offer, but to my joy they don't mind it, we all know that I am not usually in charge of the cooking part of the different chores of a household.
My hands fish through different sorts of food before deciding to go for some eggs with bacon in combination with toast, simple and easy to make, as well as well as definitely a good breakfast for werewolves...minus some more meat but uhm, we don't want to risk burning it to the point where it ain't edible anymore ehem...
I place everything I need next to me on the counter and start preparing pans with some oil before cracking in the eggs and the bacon into two separate pans. As both foods are getting fried I pop four toasts into our toaster and put on some hot water so that I can make coffee and tea afterwards as well.
While the clock is ticking and I wait for the food to fry until I have to turn it I check out the calendar on our wall, figuring out when my next practice session is taking place.
Tomorrow afternoon huh...I think for a moment then nod as I realize that I am on standby for work tomorrow, so only to be called when there is an emergency. My shoulders relax at the thought of likely being able to sleep when I want to and get up when I want to for the first time in weeks as there has been a lot of fires these days thanks to the high temperatures at the moment. With all those fires going on, there was not really a lot of time to rest, more often than not I would return home around 3 am and be out for work again only a few hours later. It puts a lot of pressure on one's sleep schedule but I still love my job, it just gets exhausting from time to time, whose job doesn't though.
Shaking my head to return back to the present I quickly walk over to the tove and turn the food, glad once I see that it actually didn't burn while I was lost in thought...okay the bacon is slightly more crunchy than it should be at this point of frying but it's still good.
A chuckle escapes my mouth as I grab two plates from the cupboard above me to put two toasts on them each. The moment I started toasting some bread for me the boiling water was finished as well, allowing me to fill up three mugs, Lian's and Wulf's with coffee and mine with black tea before placing all of them down on the tray I prepared, the plates and cutlery already placed on it. Once I finished  that I took out the bacon and put it next to the bread of Lian and Wulf. Now the only things left were the eggs and my bread, though the latter just popped out of the toaster.
After placing said bread on a third plate that I put down on the tray I turn off the stove and take out the eggs, the finishing touch being the addition of some herbs on top. Proud of my surprisingly decent looking food I pick up the tray and carefully head back to the bedroom. As I arrivel I find my two partners still cuddling with each other, but they definitely moved around and are awake by now.
"Let me guess, you smelled the food?"
The sound of a raspy chuckle hits my ears and the feeling of warmth and comfort, the feeling of home, washes over me even further than it already does the whole time I am with them.
I set the tray down on one of the broad nightstands before sitting down next to them cross legged. They both sit up as well, giving me a soft smile before they each grab hold of one of my hands and press some gentle kisses along my knuckles.
"How did you sleep Nix?" Wulf asks with his ever so calm voice while Lian just looks at me with a cute bedhead, awaiting my answer as she's still too tired to talk a lot.
"I slept great. How about you two, anything hurting?"
They both shake their heads no and I carefully detangle my hands from theirs to take a look at Lian’s wrists to check up on the slight rope burns they received from the ropes last night.
"Healing is going smoothly," Lian states as she realizes my concerned frown, which fades at her words before I press a featherlight kiss to each of her wrists.
An even bigger smile displays on her lips and Wulf presses a quick peck on her cheek. My gaze only drifts away from their faces when I hear a stomach protesting that it wants food. Soon I see the blush creeping to Wulfs ears and therefore we all know whose stomach growled just now.
I let out a soft laugh at that and untangle my legs so that I can move over to pick up the tray once more, but a hand on my shoulder stops me from moving too far.
Once I turn my head to the side I feel two warm hands easing off my cardigan until it hangs around my waist and on the lower parts of my arms only.
I shudder a little at the sudden cold hitting my back but even that changes quickly when I feel the exact same  hands carefully caressing my back, tracing lines from the top of it to the bottom, before a concerned voice escapes Lian's mouth.
"What about you, are you okay so far?"
"I am doing well, it just stings a little sometimes. Nothing unusual."
Wulf speaks up at that too, one of his gentle fingers tracing an apparently particular long stripe down my back.
"Are you certain? Judging by these marks, the scratches reach quite deep this time. We don't want you to hurt either."
I don't move as I feel their hands resting on my lower back, carefully letting their fingers ghost over what likely is the marks of a pair of claws that sunk into my skin after a finishing long scratch.
"I am. Although my skin is easier to break and takes longer to heal, since I am human, I promise you that it really doesn't hurt. I honestly don't feel a big difference comparing this time and past times, maybe my body is used to it by now. Don't worry, I enjoyed it very much. If I ever am uncomfortable I will tell you guys immediately, same goes for you. When anything ever gets too much remember to speak up."
"We will," both of them reply at the same time before I feel the press of Wulf's soft lips on my shoulder.
I let out a relaxed hum at the feeling, then Lian pulls my cardigan back up so it shields my back from the cool morning air hushing in through the window.
I take a moment to soak in the feeling of warmth my partners radiate due to their werewolf being, then move to actually pick up the tray and place it in the middle of our sitting bodies so everybody can reach their plates while we all look at each other lovingly.

As we eat I start talking about my idea of this afternoon's tea with Keziaha and Penny, as thanks for her taking care of our daughter over the last two days. We always try to have tea together at least once a week, though sometimes I am missing because of work. Despite that, it just turned out to be something we all enjoy doing together, and thus became some sort of tradition I guess.
Together we plan what kind of cake we could buy today and then move on to the time and any other details that are part of it and still need to be worked out.
Neither of us stops smiling at a certain point, we are in a good mood the whole time and just enjoy the peaceful morning.


Sooo, this is it, I hope you somewhat liked it despite its chaos. It's my first polyfic and I have to learn more about polyamory in general, and I will get there.

These days I just want to write more to get used to writing stories in English and maybe boost my confidence for that a little more, as well as use OCs that never really had a use, so some things might not be as good as you wished they were, if you read it anyway I hope you enjoy it.

Everybody learns in their own way and this is mine (maybe, also I process feelings through writing.)
With that I wish you all a good day, night or whatever it is when you are reading this.

Remember you are valid and loved and deserve to be happy. Stay hydrated, take your meds, eat something, take care of yourself!

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