Chapter 10

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Four sleek Jedi starfighters and a larger gunship dropped out of hyperspace and entered the atmosphere of the planet Umbara. The fighters were piloted by Hara Fisto, her Mon Calamari apprentice Benelli, Madegol - the Zeltron Jedi Master who had been present when Des and Rhylla had confronted members of the High Council, and Leera Amali - a Togruta woman and Jedi Knight. On board the gunship were Rall Vuero - the 384 year-old female Anzat and Jedi Grand Master, Valgo Tennaris - a turquoise-skinned Rodian woman who was Master Vuero's apprentice, and Hergal Bato - a Human man and Jedi Master.

The five ships landed in a clearing of a forest of bioluminescent Zabrak Spine plants, and the seven Jedi secured the area.

"We're clear." Madegol reported.

Meanwhile, two Sith light interceptors and two 2-seat heavy fighters entered the Umbaran atmosphere and touched down 40 kilometers away from the Jedi ships. Half a dozen Sith climbed out, including Darth Scythia - a male Lasat with light brown skin, dark purple hair, and yellow eyes, Darth Khyx - a male Ewok with dark brown fur and black eyes, Darth Xarro - a Falleen woman with green skin, black eyes, and long black hair tied in a ponytail, Darth Magmus - a Twi'lek woman with with red skin and green eyes who was Xarro's apprentice, Darth Nyro - a Human man with dark brown skin, short black hair, and blue eyes, and Samala Gerrast - Rhylla's former friend who preferred to be known as Darth Scorn. A trio of Banshees that were flying overhead tried to attack, but Khyx ignited a pair of lightsaber shotos and leaped high into the air, cutting them down with ease. He extinguished his blades, and the group moved out without a word.

The two groups converged on the source of Des and Rhylla's transmission, unaware of each other's presence until they were nearly within visual range.

"Master Vuero." Darth Magmus said. "Always good to see you."

"Aliana." The Anzat greeted her. "I see you finally took my advice and made some friends."

"Aliana Zythos is dead." She snapped. "My name is Magmus."

Rall sighed.

"Alright, enough talk." Leera stepped forward. "Where are they?"

Khyx stepped up to meet her and said something in Ewokese.

"He says he was about to ask you the same thing." Darth Scorn translated.

"I understood him."

Khyx said something else.

Leera cocked her head to the right. "Are you challenging me?"

He nodded and ignited his shotos.

"Alright." She took her saberstaff off her belt and ignited its yellow blades.

Khyx smiled, then used the Force to launch himself at her. To his surprise, the Togruta blocked every one of his lightning-fast strikes with little difficulty. He landed behind her, but she was already turning to face him. Using her lifelong Djem So training, Leera bore down on her opponent, forcing him to give ground, but after parrying every attack, he found a gap in her defenses and lashed out, cutting her feet off at the ankles. She screamed in pain, dropping her saberstaff as she fell to the ground. Khyx decapitated her, then turned to the other Jedi and asked them something.

"He wants to know who's next." Scorn translated.

One by one, the other Jedi ignited their lightsabers - Hara's twin blue blades, Benelli's twin green blades, Vuero's single yellow blade, Madegol's blue-bladed saberstaff, Valgo's single blue blade, and Hergal's green-bladed lightsaber and shoto. Across from them, the other five Sith followed suit. Darth Scythia pulled out a saberstaff, Scorn pulled out a single-bladed saber with a curved handle, Xarro and Magmus each pulled out a straight-handled single blade, and Nyro pulled out a pair of single blades.

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