I'll Wait For You (Senku x Reader)

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Hey! This is my first Senku x Reader and first Dr.stone fic. I know there might be grammatical errors and spelling mistakes but please bare with me! ;-;

I don't own Dr.stone nor the characters- it's just a fan-made fanfic for fans to read and enjoy!

It has spoilers. Story focuses after the completion of the Perseus, The Science Ship (Lol) and the Reader is She/Her.


"Wait!, there is something I would like to speak with you..",

Senku hummed in curiosity as he turned to face the person who called him.

Everyone had left for Celebrations because they had finally completed the humongous ship, Perseus. Everyone except these two.

Senku didn't spoke but his body language was pretty much asking why was he being held up.

"I know today's the celebration and all and tomorrow you guys will be off towards unknown lands, taking risky voyage for the sake of Mankind. But in all honesty I know very well how dangerous this mission is, so all I wanted is to tell you is-"

"That you love me? And want me to be back safe and alive so you could have a chance with me?",

You were shocked to hear what Senku just said. Yes you were going to confess but the way Senku had worded it, it definitely sounds worst. But then again this was Senku you're talking about. Of course he's straight forward as hell.

"Well, yes-",

"Then don't because I don't have time for relationships and I don't most definitely don't want any one clining to me. That's the worst case scenario here",

Senku's frowning face screamed his utter dislike of being an object of affection for someone. However what he didn't- expect was her to start laughing, mirthful nevertheless.

"Oh my God, I really did expected that one. Man sucks to have a harsh rejection even before confessing",

You ended with a chucked but it was more tame and maybe slightly on a sadder note.

Senku didn't speak, he knew it must be hard but he couldn't do anything else. In this world, he's the only beacon of Light, a star to hope. He can't have anyone other than Science in his mind. He needs science to be alive and to help other's thrive.

You took a deep breath before continuing.

"Its true, I love you more than anything. And I also know that you love Science more than anything and just so you know I'm not stopping you or trying to hold you back. All I wanted was to convey my feeling regardly of your answer. Because to be honest I was scared that I might regret it throughout my life if I never spoke about my feeling to you. So I risked my everything with you, even if you don't reciprocate my feelings it doesnt matter. What matters is that even if you don't love me now, I won't be disheartened instead I will wait for you untill the day you fall in love and experience that bliss that's all I wanted to say.",

Senku was gobsmacked, he did not expect such depth. She really did loved him but he didn't and that's a very well established thought. However he could help but feel sad because that would mean she would go through sadness due to him.

"Listen y/n-",

Senku's words were cut off as you walked towards him.

"You don't have to say anything now, Senku. I dont want you to feel bad or miserable because of me. Listen! I'm happy that I get to confess my love, I'm content with that. You can be rest assured. But once you have your answers I'll always be waiting for you to hear. So would you be kind enough to think about it and answer me when ever you're ready?",

You caressed his cheeks and gave him the softest smile Senku has ever encountered in his life. That did left him speechless for few moments.

Re-gainging his composure back he smirked

"Sure, you'll have your answer once I'm all good. The deal is on.",

You both shook their hands, faces lit with unknown happiness.

"Y/n-chan!~ come over! You're missing tons of fun!",

"Oh looks like Gen is calling. I should be going now, bye!",

You ran away towards the partying crew. While Senku stook there and watched as your figure vanished from his sight. His eyes were soft as gave a light hearted chuckle

"Yea.. bye. Just for now though."

His face shined under the dull moonlight as he smiled towards the dark skies.

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