𝗉𝗋𝗈𝗅𝗈𝗀𝗎𝖾 ༊*·˚ 𝖼𝖾𝗋𝗈

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"perchance, could you possibly read this?", y/n whispered as iwaizumi dramatically sighed and stared daggers through (y/p) rather questionable.

"why should i? you're just a poem freak.", he spat out and let his gaze on (y/p) dainty fingers which were holding the velvet covered book linger a little longer.

"and if i were to be born as a poem freak, would read it?", y/n eagerly asked and received a little grunt from the male opposite (y/p).

"i'll read it. if you're gonna be so proud of it, then so it'd be.", the boy snapped and pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance while adverting his gaze from y/n.

y/n silently handed iwaizumi the book and smiled a little before turning away and deciding to let time be (y/p) fortune.


annoyedly, iwaizumi threw his backpack into the corner of their hallway and semi-sprinted to his room opposite him. after several seconds, he reached the doorknob and lightly rotated the knob with a light push to fully open the door he was standing in front of. entering his room, he swung the door closed carefully as not to receive another scolding from his mother for making too much noises.

flopping onto his bed, iwaizumi grunted at the thought of today's events. from oikawa following him the whole time like a creep to the teachers who snapped because of his absent mind during class. and suddenly, y/n appeared there, in the filled chaos of thoughts, daydreams and stress, as well.

y/n smiled brightly, seeming a little too enthusiastic for iwaizumi's taste. maybe (y/p) stayed up earlier and did jumping jacks? maybe (y/p) stayed awake since last night, hurriedly finishing the book (y/p) handed him over?

mind wandering from (y/p) to the book y/n handed him over, iwaizumi froze. "(y/p) wanted me to read it..", he whispered to himself as his slag body dragged itself to the door he's opened in the meantime his body was doing the rest of his tasks.

reaching for the backpack iwaizumi previously had thrown into the corner of the hallway, his fingers glided across his scrambled paper lunchbag, the decent pencil case his mother has bought him several days ago and finally the velvet covered book reached his fingertips. fumbling for it, he fished it out of the packed backpack and threw said backpack back into its belonging corner to turn around and enter his room once again.

"why exactly velvet?", iwaizumi sighed as his fingers glided across the rather soft and smooth edge of the book y/n gave him. moving things from his bed, he dropped himself onto it once again and peacefully took in its layout as he opened the first page of it.

"disclaimers for a poetry book?", he snorted but silenced as he's skimmed through the disclaimer's contents.

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