Chapter I - Beginning

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'In coming'

the door of the ER room swung open with the gurney being push in. Two paramedics brought a blood covered man through the door. He has a neck collar and a board under him. 2 doctors and 2 nurses walk in to assess the patient.

'Hit me' one of the doctors in plastic gown call out. He is a gorgeous red hair in a blue scrub with a hint of sexiness from his charming eyes.

'Manning Flame, 38 years old. Traffic Accident with abdominal pain, laceration on the forehead and arms. possible internal bleeding bp 138/70 pulse 90 sat 97' Paramedics on the left summarize while wheeling the patient in.

'Let's go to trauma 1' Dr.Edvina one of Emergency medicine finest doctor in Palm's memorial order and look turn to talk to the man next to her.

'Look like your shift is heading to a great start, Tim' She tease him while they half walk half run to the trauma room.

'Sure, look that way.'

'on my count!! One two three' They lift Manning up from his gurney and on to the bed in the trauma room. The nurses start cutting his shirt off and attach lead for the monitors on his body.

'Can I get a fast scan in here please and a chest x-ray' Tim order as he read the information on the monitor and listen to his heart and lungs.

'His breathing is not so great prepare for intubation.' A nurse next to him nod and walk to the cabinet for an intubation tube and glide scope.

'Hi, Manning. My name is Dr.Bradley. You're at Palm's memorial. Where does it hurt?'

'My stomach and my arms' Manning answer while quivery in pain. He is a Hispanic man with a scar on the left eyebrow and a mustache.

'Hi, My name is Dr.Grams. Can you move your head for me, is it hurt?' Edvian asked. He nods a little bit and try moving his head.

'His C-Spine look clear. I'm taking the neck collar out' Edvina taking the collar out just in time for the ultrasound or Fast scan rolling in. Suddenly, the monitor start blazing the sound and the number keep falling down. Manning grasping for air as his lip start to turn blue and oxygen level on the monitor falling down every second. 90, 80, 70.

'He can't breathe. No breath sound on the right lung. He's going to need a chest tube. Give me a 28 French tube and a scalpel.' Tim preps the side of Manning's chest on the rib with iodine and cut through the skin and place the end of the tube inside.
'That's is exciting. How are you doing, still think this is a good morning?' Edvina who is on the other side of the bed smile and asked.

'I still do. But I think that my luck will run out if he keeps going in this direction.' After his breathing come back to normal Edvina ultrasound his abdomen.

'Look like a hematoma around the spleen that we have to keep an eye on. But no active bleed' Edvina captured the screen after reading it. Tim's phone buzzing, He take the phone out to read.

'I'm at the hospital. Meet me at the cafeteria please' It is a massage from his little sister, Elizabeth.

'give him something for the pain and page me if the bleeding got worse. Okay?' Tim said with a killer smile which don't have any effect on Edvina who just got married and heading to the cafeteria to meet Elizabeth.

               Palm's Memorial cafeteria is always a busy place except for in the night when every shop in here closed for business. Tim has to find his sister through the crowd of people who coming to the hospital for appointments and he finally found her at a table in the far corner away from the people with a coffee in her one hand and a burrito in the other hand.

'How is the burrito? I've been here for 3 years and I don't think anything in here taste good enough.' He asked as he lift the right corner of his mouth to smile.

'The coffee is bearable but THIS I brought it with me from the food truck near my place. So, it definitely tastes good.' Elizabeth is a 5" 4' girl with a long beautiful copper hair. She has a little bit of a freckle on her face mostly on her nose which Tim thinks it make her even more adorable when they were young. She managing a branch of Wine store under Bradley's group that their father founded.

'Why are you here?' He switches to serious mode after take the burrito off Elizabeth's hand and take a bite. Normally they would talk on the phone or grab a bite together when Tim has a day off or some free time.

'I can't be here if I don't have anything? I just want to talk to you. Is that illegal now?

Do I have to make an appointment to meet you Dr.Tim Bradley?'

'Spill it or I'll go' He turns around and walk away with the burrito still in his hand. Elizabeth grabs the burrito and take it away.

'Can you tell mum to back off from my dating life?' She keeps speaking while chewing on the food

'I know that I'll have to find someone but I cannot do that when she hovers me and follow my every action when I start dating someone. Please. Pretty Please' Tim looks into her desperate eyes begging him for his help.

'What do I get if I help you?' Elizabeth tightens her eyebrow and think.

'How about a paid vacation? I have a friend in Thailand. She has a place with a killer view. It's near both beaches and mountains. You remember Nylah? My friend in collage. She went back home to help her family with the farm'

'Doctors don't have a vacation you know that. When will I get a chance to take vacation, huh?'

'Then what do you want? What can I get you?'

'There is a certain book from a writer I like. The first edition copy is on sale. But you have to bid on them. I don't have time for that. If you can get me that book. I will talk to mum for you, Deal?' Tim reaches out his hand for Elizabeth to shake.

'Sent me the link and information. I'll not let you down. I cannot handle one more dinner with a son of mum's friend anymore.' The pager on Tim's waist rang the result from the chest X-ray just came in.

'See you at brunch on Sunday. Okay?'

'Okay, bye.' Elizabeth nodded and wave her hand.

               The chest X-ray of Manning showing on the screen as Tim walk in to the ER room. Edvina writing something on the chart next to the monitor.

'The X-ray looks good. No air. No broken ribs. He's lucky guy.' Tim said to Edvina.

'He is. He got hit by a car and all he need is some stitches and he can go home.' She looks at the guy lying on the bed on the right side of the room.

'He got hit by a car?'

'Not like hit, hit. The driver slows the car down enough. So, Manning not seriously injure but the velocity of the car still hit Manning to fall to the ground and roll on the street. They said that Manning's skateboard slip by the oil on the street and heading toward the car.' She explained.

'We have old man in bay 2 waiting for stitch and a kid who swallow his toy in bay 4' Edivana point to left and right and hand two charts to Tim.

'Which one do you want first?'

               'Dr.Bradley! Dr.Bradley! Tim Tim!' A tall man in a suit and white gown running while calling out to Tim who walking on the side walk near the entrance of the hospital. Tim stops after he heard the voice and reach for his ear to take headphone out.

'Hi, Dr.Francis How can I help you?' The man running and calling for him is Dr.George Francis, head of general surgeon team that Tim is under. He is the one talked Tim to come and join the team at Palm's memorial.

'You on your way out?' George stopped catching breath before ask the question.

'Just to get some food. You need my help with anything?'

'I am and you not going to like it.' Tim raises his eyebrow with the suspense pause.

'You are on vacation. Starting immediately!!'

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