ch. 5 | coda

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Aria's POV

When the jet landed, it scared me a bit because of the bump, but Spence was able to calm me down, along with praising me, which I really liked; it gave me a warm, fuzzy feeling. 

I keep slightly bouncing in my jet seat, getting super antsy. Being on the jet was fun, but now I want off! 

Spence could see me getting impatient, so he said to hold on and assured me that it would only be for just a bit longer; he called me Ari, which I really liked too!

I really wanted to whine at him and pout, but I nodded instead, and he whispered, "good girl," which I really, really liked. 

I look at him and slightly gulp, my cheeks reddening slightly. He smirks and looks me up and down, then holds his hand out to me. "It's time to go, Ari. I'll be by your side throughout the very large majority of the case, but when we catch the unsub, I'll have to go out, remember? And you'll stay at the station?" 

I remembered, and I felt myself slump a little. I didn't want to be apart from him, and I didn't want him to get hurt!

He gently grabs my hand and wraps both of his hands around it, looking into my eyes. "I'll be okay. I've been doing this for a long time, and the rest of the team will look out for me." 

I hold up my other hand, "pinky?"

He chuckles quietly and links his pinky around mine, "I pinky promise you." 

That made me feel a bit better, and now, I was ready to go. We grabbed our things and got off the jet with the rest of the team, where each of them smiled at me. 

"Okay, here's where everyone will be. Morgan and I will go to Sammy's home and check out the crime scene. Ariana and Reid will head to the police station and start to set up. When they are done setting up, they, along with Rossi, will go try to speak to Sammy, who is at the station. JJ and Emily, you go talk to the neighbors and see if they remember or saw anything," Hotch said. 

We all nodded and went into separate vehicles, with Spence, Rossi, and I in one SUV and JJ, Emily, Hotch, and Morgan in the other. Rossi drives since Spence doesn't like to drive and I'm not used to driving a monster of an SUV, and it was obvious Spence and I didn't know where to sit, so I nodded at him that he could sit up front and that I would be okay. 

He nodded, understanding, and helped me into the backseat since it was a high jump, holding onto my waist. I blushed and scooted into the middle of the backseat, a habit I've had since I was little; I don't like being too close to the door. He handed me our things and I held onto my backpack. 

I snuck my Monster out of my backpack and opened it as quietly as possible, although Spence heard it. I started to drink the Monster, making sure that I'm not chugging it so it doesn't give me a tummyache. 

Spence sent me a scolding look, but I looked him straight in the eyes as I kept drinking it. He narrowed his eyes and shook his head, getting into the passenger seat. 

Rossi started to make conversation with me, asking me where I was from and what my "story" was. I have a story prepared for these situations, saying that I had a loving home life, had lots of friends, yada yada yada. 

Spence turned around in his seat (with his seatbelt on, I wouldn't let him take it off) so that he could translate for Rossi. 

"I was born and raised in Seattle, Washington, my parents still live there, my friends moved all over but we still keep in touch, though I spent much of my time at the library." I kept it short and sweet, which I could tell made them weary, probably because people could go on and on about their childhood. They didn't push me on it though. 

We moved on to another topic, with them telling me stories of working together, mainly Rossi telling me about the times that Spence has "annoyed" him with his facts and knowledge. I could tell that Rossi didn't actually think that Spence was annoying, nor did the rest of the team, and I could never think that Spence was annoying. He is one of the most fascinating people I have ever met, and he makes me feel comfortable. 

The drive to the station whizzed by, though I still had about half of my Monster left. I kept taking sips of it, and when we made it, I guarded it so Spence wouldn't try to steal it. I helped carry our things in, and we made it into the conference room we're set up in. There was a bulletin board, a whiteboard, index cards, an oval table made out of pinewood, black chairs, a coffee machine, and case files. 

Spence started to separate the case files and get everything set up, and I lightly tugged on his sleeve, getting his attention. 

"How can I help? I have nice handwriting if that helps." I signed, and he chuckled at me. 

"My handwriting is beautiful! Isn't it, Rossi?" Rossi immediately shook his head. 

"Reid, it's chicken scratch." I quietly giggled and Rossi smiled at me. Spence was smiling at me too. 

"Okay, we write the names of the victims, include a photo of them, a brief description of what happened, and other basic facts about the case." I nodded my head and pulled out my purple notebook, pens, and pencils, and made a very rough outline of what the board would look like when I was done. 

The pictures and index cards were in the top left and the other basic facts in the top right, with a blank space for the information we get when we move further along the case. I showed Spence and he smiled and nodded, giving me his approval. 

I grabbed the index cards and started getting to work. 


hey! i'm sorry if this one is boring or not that great, i am writing this before heading to my trig class (eW) and i just really wanted to write. 

have a good night, day, afternoon! be sure to eat something and stay hydrated! <3

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