mark lee

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He watched Donghyuck dance, his movements embodying the texture of silk and immersed in the emotions of joy and relaxation. Mark was drawn to Donghyuck. He was spellbound and attracted to the latter's artistic soul, as if a spell had been cast on Mark, causing him to stare at the dancer in absolute awe, unable to peel his eyes of him.

"Fucking shit." Mark heard Donghyuck growl out angrily. Apparently, the tired dancer had missed his footing, causing him to mess up the timing and lose his balance. A mistake he had been trying to avoid for the longest time. The distraction had unfortunately tore Donghyuck away from his intoxicatingly euphoric zone and brought him back into the real world.

Mark's breath hitched a little, but the sudden feeling of shock was replaced with sympathy for the frustrated boy that stood just a few metres away from him. He knew Donghyuck was a perfectionist, and he understood how painful and frustrating it was to repeat the same mistake over again. It sucked, to be brutally honest.

But to Mark Lee, Donghyuck was good enough. Good enough for him. He saw so much passion and light in Donghyuck, and he admired him for that. However, sometimes this light would vanish, his eyes only with filled with nothing but spite and coldness.

Mark was so caught up with his own thoughts that he did not notice Donghyuck swing his backpack over his shoulder and stride towards the door. Using the strength of Hulk, Donghyuck gripped the handle and pushed the door outwards so hard that it knock Mark straight in the nose. Mark fell onto his right elbow and his left hand holding his throbbing nose.

"Ow..." he let out, tears welling up in his eyes. Fuck, I think I broke my nose, he thought. Upon hearing Mark's painful groan, Donghyuck's head turned and eyed the latter's painful state.

"Tsk." Donghyuck clicked his tongue.

"Watch where you sit, motherfucker." he sneered before rolling his eyes in annoyance, while he walked out of the building and into the dark night.

Damn okay, what a bitch, Mark thought to himself. He realised that although Donghyuck had the resemblance of a small innocent deer with angelic facial features, he had the attitude of a moody pubescent fifteen year old boy.

"The most decent thing you could do was apologise." Mark muttered to himself, sulking at the fact that one, his nose was probably broken and two, the person he looked up to was nothing but an insensitive prick.

The Lee sighed and gradually transferred his weight gingerly till he was somewhat steady on his two feet as he was still slightly light-headed from the incident earlier on.

"Man, do you need help or what?" Mark whipped his head around quick, momentarily forgetting that he had been knocked in the nose by a freaking door. His head spun and he fell back into his bum, a groan escaping his lips.

"Shit..." Mark had never felt more embarrassed in his life, and felt sorry for this person who had to witness this daft sequence of events.

"Can't get yourself together, huh? Look, I'm sorry, okay? But seriously, your fucking pathetic." Mark looked up, only to come face to face with Lee Donghyuck. He gulped nervously as he stared into Donghyuck's brown orbs that hid beneath his messy bangs. Mark's eyes then travelled to his cute button nose, his cheeks and his chapped lips. The building was rather dim, but Mark could faintly see the breathtakingly beautiful tan that pigmented Donghyuck's skin.

"Bitchass, I haven't got all night. Stop staring and just grab my hand so I can help you up." Donghyuck's sharp remark broke Mark out of his trance, causing Mark's face to heat up.

"Right...right. Sorry." He mumbled before clutching onto the latter's calloused hands to stand up. Mark mentally cursed himself for being such a dumbass, especially in front of a guy he had never even talked to before. He was hoping to introduce himself to Donghyuck in a much more...well...appropriate manner.

"Thanks." Mark said timidly. Donghyuck nodded, spinning on his heels, but turned around sharply to face Mark.

"Dude, if you wanna avoid being concussed, find a better way to practice your spying tactics, ya?"Donghyuck said, a sly smirk slowly emerging onto that cocky face of his before actually walking out of the building.

Mark stood there dumbfounded, speechless and still holding his sore nose.



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