Chapter 3 // A Day In The Life of y/n l/n

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Three day suspension and home arrest. Not bad.

Yesterday Mari dropped me off home and inflicted her 'punishment', which actually was just a congratulatory can of tuna in honor of my heroic act.

Mari doesn't live with us. She's in her late 20's and has a steady job, which she doesn't like to talk about. But even when she tries to be secretive with me, she can't change the fact that she's an open book to me.

That's because I read through her diary.

"Meow~ mraaoooooow~~~" I grunt at the sound. Who needs alarm clocks when you have fifty cats wailing outside your window?

I lazily open my eyes and stare at the seiling for a good few minutes. My eyes trace the deep crack piercing the surface, like lightning. I notice the flaked off paint and the water stain in the corner.

I sigh before mustering the will to rise my torso up from the mattress. Dropping my legs to the floor I sit up on the edge of the bed. I waste a couple more moments just staring at the floor, feeling too tired to move my heavy, still sleepy body. I feel as though I could stay like this forever, until my body turns to stone. But...

"Hnnnnnn!" I suddenly jolt my body upwards, stretching my arms out to the ceiling, head drooping back. Air fills my lungs and I can feel my ribcage lift from my stomach. "Pff- uph!" I exhale and fall on my back, hitting the firm mattress with a thud. My lazy body begs for more time in comfort but I muster the strength and roll back forward, jumping off the bed.

"That's enough exercise for today, let's get this party started"


"Y/n, finally you go your ass out of bed! Come sit, I've made eggs and toast," I walk into the kitchen to be greeted by my father sitting beside our tiny table enjoying his coffee and newspaper. "And guess what, there's a super secret ingredient!"

I tilt my head and smirk. There's really only one other thing he could've put on the menu "Canned tuna?"

He laughs heartedly into his mug "Haha yeah! The same one your sister brought!"

"Ha! Starting off the day in luxury, I like that!" I rub my hands together and practicality jump into my seat.

Both the eggs and toast were burnt to shit, but the tuna managed to mask the charcoal flavor.

My fancy meal, however, was soon interrupted with buzzing in the pocket of my shorts.

"What's that?" Dad rose his head from his newspaper. "I got a text" It was an unknown number, but I did not have to wonder who the sender was.

"Hey, y/n! It's Junpei from
school. Just wanted to say
good morning. Hope you
got home safe yesterday"

A smile subconsciously makes it's way up my cheeks as I set down my breakfast, so that I can hold the phone with both hands. How cute of him. I quickly save his contact id.

"What's up, eraser boy.
Miss me already? How's

Eraser boy:
"Stop calling me that! And
yeah, kinda, it's really
boring here"

"Everyone's talking about
your suspension. Speaking
of that, how's being grounded?"

I snort, of course they'd be buzzing like crazy over the sudden disappearance of the infamous transfer student. I take a photo of my glorious breakfast and send it.

"I'm living the high life"

Eraser boy:

"I'm sorry but that looks

"Don't knock it till you've
tried it"

Eraser boy:
"Maybe not..."

"Anyway, I was thinking
of going to the theater to
watch this new horror flick.
It's premiering in 2 days.
You wanna come?"

"I think you should pay
attention to class"

Eraser boy:
"Oh, sorry"

"I'll think about the offer

Eraser boy:

I place my phone down with a satisfied hum. I can finally finish my breakfast...

"Wha- hey! Did you eat my toast?!" The man sitting across the cheap foldable table gave me a side glance, half of his face hidden by the paper he was reading "It was getting cold! Food doesn't wait till you finish texting your boyfriend"

"I only looked away for two minutes! Argh- God damn it, dad!" I slap a hand over my face and stand up "Fine, you do the dishes then"

Dad grunts in disgust "I don't wanna do that!" I stand up and walk towards the door "Well then you should've thought twice before betraying me!" He scoffs "Mhm. Hey! Where are you going?"

"Back to bed"


I close and lock the door behind me and scan the contents of this small messy room. My eyes finally land on an old and worn leather cover journal. I grab it and sit down on the cold floor.

I inspect the simple cover, brushing my fingers over the carved swirly symbol on its surface. My chest tightens in anticipation and I don't notice the breath I was holding.

Carefully I flip to a random page in the journal. Images of complex symbols and detailed descriptions filled the pages.

If I'm gonna stay these three days stuck at home then I might as well learn some sorcery.


AN: heyooo! Thank you for over 50 reads, you guys <3<3<3 I feel so relieved to know there are people who enjoyed this story. This chapter was all about burnt eggs and toast, next one will be all about magic, babyyyy~

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