The heist

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Stiles looked at the jewelry store " your ready " 

Noir sighed and nodded " yes yes I am now shush " they had their tail wrapped around their waist and ears flopped against their head as they stood up and, floated towards the stoir " being a child of Melione sure helps " he stopped floating and landed and walked through the wall and turned of the alarm. Then he walked out side and started yelling random thing which was common for the town they lived in 

Stiles smiled and shadowed traveled inside and started to pick  the locks. This was his specialty when he finally got it open he started putting jewelry in a bag. Once he got a fair amount he threw it to Noir who flew away with the jewels and Stiles shadowed traveled away.

The fatal thing Noir and Stiles both missed is the witness aka the janitor. He will be important later  Stiles looked in the bag and laughed 

" geez we sure made off huh? "

Noir nodded " yep "

Stiles looked at Noir " are you not happy we have money so we have food and new clothes and maybe something else "

Noir sighed " don't you just get tired of stealing its the same thing over and over again " 

Stiles sighed " I don't want to hear you spheal about that shit again "

Noir looked at him " I'm just saying it might be nice to settle down find a girl and other stuff "

Stiles sighed again " go back to base I will go pawn this my self " 

Noir nodded and went back to the base which was just a run down shack on the outskirts of town. they really didn't know how the cops haven't found this place yet it was fairly obvious but they shrugged it off and went inside. The inside was more of a mess the roof had holes in it most the wood was wet and moldy, they was careful where he stepped because if he wasn't he would have fallen threw a plank and into the creepy basement  they yawned a bit before laying on the floor on a pile of blankets their " bed ".

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