five - "a fucking blonde"

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!!!Not proof read!!!

the next day, Armin could not get you out of his head and you couldn't get him out of yours. after your little "interaction" Armin had left and you had stayed in your dorm thinking about your situation.

stupid flirting was one thing, but giving Armin head was another. your mind couldn't focus, and all you could think about was how his pretty face looked like all scrunched up while he came. you had never felt this dirty-minded and just downright horny in so long. you could still hear this voice in your ears, it was driving you crazy. a small part of you wished you had agreed to let Armin please you as well, but you figured the decision you made was for the best.

in this middle of your nasty thoughts historia came back home wanting to talk about her day and last night. "so, do you feel alright?" historia asked you before setting her bag down on the back of the chair connected to her vanity.

"mhm, I feel fine," you nodded looking up from your phone, which you were using to scroll on Twitter. historia nodded seeming to accept your answer and plopped down on your bed sitting at the bottom by your feet.

"get off your phone and talk to me," the blonde whined as she hit your shins repeatedly with her dainty hands.

"Ouch, okay okay!" you dropped your phone and swatted her hands away from your legs before pulling your knees into your chest. "How was ymirs?" you asked setting your phone on your charger before tucking your knees into your chest again.

Historic pulled her legs up to the bed scooting closer to you and laying down horizontal on her back right below your feet. The girl let out an excited squeal before closing her eyes and opening her mouth. "Before she dropped me off here she took me to the park and we had a cute little picnic! It was so amazing, she planned it all. There were strawberries, chocolate cake, sparking water oh– oh– and those small little cute sandwiches! It was the best, It was so romantic! Ymir even gave me a ring made out of the grass we were sitting on! It was so amazing." the girl rambled on and on about her date with Ymir. you didn't mind at all though, it was nice to hear about cute dates she went on, especially because historia is so passionate about things like this. She adores Ymir with every bone in her body and it's so clear to everyone, so if historia wanted to ramble about her dates, of course, you were going to let her.

"So cute, how romantic! Which park was it?" you questioned, interested in her day.

"The one right off Utgard street!" she smiled, that smile on her face was one of the best you've seen.

"I know which one that is. You and Ymir are so perfect for each other, I'm really glad that you found someone like her," you spoke truthfully, even though you were a tiny bit jealous of their movie-like relationship, you were incredibly happy for the both of them.

"Thanks, y/n, I'm glad too. anyway, how has your day been?" the girl asked you opening her eyes and sitting up on her arm to face you on her side.

"I've been good, I was studying with Armin earlier actually, he came here for a bit as well," you calmly spoke, trying to act as if his cock wasn't just down your throat.

"oh really? that's nice! I didn't know you and Armin hung out like that?" historia questioned, she was curious, but she didn't want to meddle.

"hm? oh, we don't. you know how he tutors me sometimes, it was just something like that, no biggie," you quickly shut down her assumptions. you didn't like lying to her, but you felt as if this was something that should be kept between you and Armin. historia could tell something was up but didn't want to push further, she knew you would speak up when the time was right.

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