Chapter 4: Dormates Chaos

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Hey guys! How do you like the story? I'm trying to read other books for information!

Kirishima's P.O.V

About an hour after Bakugou's outbreak in class and we were heading outside to train. Of course we changed into our hero costumes in a little bathroom thing that had showers, baths, benches, ECT. I walked out and started talking to the small gang of me, Mina, Denki, Deku, Uraraka, Todoroki, Sero, and some other bros. I dont know their names yet, but dang! That is super manly to have a gang and I just realized that this wasnt a small gang. "All right students!" I voice boomed. "Its your first training so prepare to work fiercely! And with might of course!" It was of courae All Might saying all these things so me and the group stopped talking and looked over at him. Deku was beaming at thw sight of him, and surprisingly, Todoroki was SMILING at him. He hasnt smilied since he came in class or to this school!

I didn't realize All Might was talking, but I quickly got in position and hardened my arms grinning ear to ear.


All Might finally gave us a break and everyone was sweating, except for bakubro surprisingly. "ALL right everybody! Now that you've had your break, partner up for some sparing!" I looked around and saw people already paring up. Noone went to Bakugou so of course, I did. I tapped his shoulder and he responded by grabbing my wrists with one hand and putting his hand inches away from my face with his fingers spread wide like he was going to explode me. "Woah bakubro! Its just me!" I said not wanting him to think I was a villain or something. He backed upand put has arms awkwardly by his sides. "Didn't know it was you... Shitty hair." He said. I just rolled my eyes at the nickname hoping he didn't see. "Anyways bakubro! Wanna be my partner?" I said in a cheerful voice. He looked around and grumbled out. "I guess shitty hair.." I was beaming, when he looked around I rhought he was gonna say no and go ask someone else. "Alright cool!" I said throwing and arm around his shoulder. He flinched as if I was going to hit him so I quickly took my arm off him."You ok bro? I didn't know you would flinch like that. I wouldnt have done that... Sorry bakubro..." I said concerned. "Whatever shitty hair!" He growled back. "So.. Can I still put my arm on your shoulder?.." I asked rubbing the back of my neck and smiling a little. He just stared at me so I thought he dozed off. "Uhm... Baku-" was all I could say before he grabbed my arm and put it around hia shoulder. I smiled.

I didnt realize that All Might was talking until people started running to the feild. I started running to the feild right infront of me, dragging Bakugou with me. I took my arm off from around him and ran to one side of the feild while he ran to the other. I got in my fighting stance while he got in his. I ran at him hardening my arms and slowly hardening my whole body, he smirked and as soon as I came I to his reach he yelled "DIE!" And tried exploding me. Little did he know, my quirk can block me from basically anything.

I saw him enter the the smoke from his explosion and I unhardened myself sneaking up from behind him. I tackled him and flipped him on his back, 'Thud' . I grabbed his hands and hardened mine so he couldnt explode me. He adjusted to what was happening and I flashed him a smile showing all my teeth making him blush. He went to explode me but realized nothing happened and looked at his hands. I just made a sly look. He looked me directly in the eyes for a split second before I leaned down so my mouth was a couple inches from his ear. I could feel his shaking breath on my bare chest. "You look cute when your down." I said smirking. He got very flustered and tried to get up. "G-get off K-k-kiri!" He said moving more. I got up and helped him up purposely pulling him inches away from my face. I hugged him and smiled only showing a couple of my shark teeth. "Dumbass.." He stuttered out. He pushed me away and started walking towards the changing rooms. He smelt the air and smelled something almost like carmel. "You smell good-" I smelt his neck to get a better idea of what it is. "- like carmel! I love carmel!" I said throwing my arm around him, he just shoved his hands in his pockets. "We should hurry up and get you in the shower before anyone finds out you smell like this. Mina and Uraraka go crazy about any sort of candy." I smiled and he just shrugged it off walking in the changing rooms and making my arm fall. He syarted taking off his hero costume to shower so I looked away. He got in the shower and I heard the water running so I asumed he was showering. I was pretty bored so beforw I went to shower I walking into Bakugous stall and felt the water quickly taking my hand out, I looked down the whole time you dirty minded people! I walked out and took off my hero costume quickly walking into the shower next to Bakugous. "That's hot bakubro!" I said turning on my shower. "Well what'd ya fucking expect!? I'm fucking Katauki Bakugou! I can take a little heat! And my quirk is explosions!  And 'course ima be the number fucking one hero!" He practically uelled with no regret. "The fuck you wanted to feel my water anyways?" He also asked. I didnt really know what to say. "I dont really know actually." I replied plainly. He didn't respond so I just started washing up and stuff.

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