'Special' | White

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Lime: Red, please just tell me what you mean!

Red: *sniggers* nooooope!

Brown: mmm I think I know too!

Coal: really?

Brown: yup *whispers to Coal*

Coal: YES!

Black: please can you tell me what it means?


Lime: But I wanna kno-

Lucky: sorry Lime, like ya, I really do... but we don't have time. We're scheduled for our next question, right now.

Lime: fiiine.... *whispers* hey, comment friends! Can you find a way to make Red explain what she was talking about just then? Please? Thanks!

Lucky: Lime I'm just going to pretend I didn't hear that.

Lime: meaning, you did actually...

Lucky: moving swiftly on! White!

White: oh, m-me?

Lucky: uh, yeah, you.... I don't know anyone else here called 'White'?

White: oh, just I didn't think people would be interested in me... I'm just that weird secretive person who avoids Lime for unknown reasons, and never even gets a PoV in the original book

Lucky: that's the whole reason they want to interrogate you!

Green: uh, I didn't get one either...

Brown: me too!

Lucky: yeah okay, that's just because you got stabbed first and second. You get the most PoVs in the ghost book, so stop complaining!

Brown: ....heh.... technically it's fair. Plus we get to know a lot of the crew's secrets...

Green: ugh, please don't start...

Pink: didn't we have an agreement?

Brown: yeah, now stop making yourself look sus

Pink: ah..... I never said anything.

Red: >:3

Lucky: OKAY! Enough! I don't know what got you guys so talkative lately, but RedPotato1 only wants one of you to talk. White, what does it mean when they say Snow is 'special' ?

White: ah.

Lime: wait, what?

Black: you didn't know?

Lime: no.... rememberer, I've never looked after Snow before... or Coal, I still don't know why by the way....


Lucky: which one?

Rose: the question that our comment friend asked!

White: okay, I gather it was going to come out sooner or later.... so.... where do I even start?

Lucky: from the beginning would help

White: *sigh* okay. I guess I can talk about it because Snow isn't paying attention anyway.

Snow: *continues staring at the floor, what he's been doing since the crew got reunited*

White: A lot of people just use the term 'special' because they don't want to accidentally say something offensive... basically, he's autistic... I first noticed it when he was about three years old.

Indigo: what does that mean?

Purple: *whispering* don't interrupt, honey, okay?

White: he can't cope well when he's out of routine. It's almost impossible to get him to eat anything other than pizza...

Lime: oh, that's why...

White: he doesn't really like loud noises, but most of the time... *smiles sadly towards Snow, who was still watching the floor* he's in his own little world

Indigo: so this is why he thinks you were sleeping?

Purple: Indigo...

White: yes, Indigo, that's the reason.

Indigo: oh....... he looks really lonely a lot of the time, too.

White: *silently nods*

Lime: is... is this why you never asked me to look after him?

White: *flinches* not really... Yeah, sure, that's a little bit of the reason, but mostly...

Lime: go on....

White: uh.... this wasn't the original question!

Lime: *sighs* it's fine... I can take it, I've probably heard worse...

White: Lucky? Can I-

Lucky: say it.

White: but, RedPotato1 didn't ask-

Lucky: well, I ask!

Brown: but, didn't you kinda already know?

Lucky: yes but that's besides the point.

Blue: I think we all know anyway...

Yellow: but wouldn't it be nice to finally admit it, say it out loud?

White: was that the case with you?

Yellow: no...

Cyan: go on... at least this one won't be a surprise to anyone

Orange: there's no point dragging it out, White

White: easy for you to say! You haven't had a question yet!

Orange: well I-

Pink: *snarls at White*

Red: aww, Pink's overprotective mode enabled!

Pink: no I-

Brown: Red, I have no idea what you're talking about *winks at Pink*

Green: same here. *also winks*

Black: White, don't say it...

Lime: why?

Black: just don't...

White: I won't then, thank you


White: okay, fine! Lime was the loner anyway, I avoided him at all costs because... why would anyone want to talk to him anyway?

Lime: *quickly wipes eyes*

Black: *grabs Lime's arm* none of this is true-

White: so yeah, plus, even if he was normal,

Lime: I-

White: then I still would trust him, he's too incompetent... plus, it's also a tiny bit due to having to keep Snow's routine steady, he's sensitive to loud noises, and he has enough trouble sleeping anyway (he has to have melatonin sleeping pills.)

Lucky: well, I think I'm going to stop you there before you hurt anyone (Lime) any more. Well, see you guys later!

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