starting again

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i got up from my bed n decided to go meet the rest, secretly hoping that Alex would be home

I opened the door n went down the hallway, only to come face to face with the devil himself, i mean Andrew. We made eye contact for a while, i then driffted my eyes n started walking away, before i felt a gentle hand grabbing mine. i turned to meet him "look, i don't even know where i'll start but i'm really really sorry for everything i've done to you since u came here, I had no idea of what you were going through, i guess i was just afraid that my brothers would forget me n pay all the attention to you, ik it sounds stupid and it gave me no right to treat you the way i did,i'm really sorry you have no id-" i cut him short

"First of, you still have no idea of what i went through nor what i'm going through, n secondlyy......" i paused "i forgive you." i said a pulled him into a hug

i know it seemed rushed but i came to realize if you hold grudges to much, you might never have the chance to actually forgive that person, you never know what might happen to them

he hugged me back then slowly he began to shake, sobs coming out of his mouth

i pulled away from the hug and looked him straight in the eyes, i wiped away his tears

"I'm really so-" i cut him short again " if u dare apologize one more time i'll punch you" i told him. he chuckled n wiped his tears, together we went to the dinning room."You know, right now, i'm wondering if you are the same girl that came here 5 days ago,." Andrew said. 'why' i asked. "You know when you came here, you were so shy n barely said a sentence, but yesterday n today, it's like you're different n happier, i like it." He said. I gave him a small smile.

We entered the dining room n much to my dissapointment both Ace and Alex had already left for work, Adrian was cooking something n Amos was busy on his phone typing furiously with a smile on his face, none of them had realized our arrival. Slowly i sneaked up on Amos hen i was behind him i yelled " Who's the lucky girl?" he jumped frightened n dropped his phone as i laughed, "Ohh you're gonna get it" he said, he started chasing me around the dinning table n into the kichen,. "Help someone help me, Andrew!!!" i yelled. " No can do princess, you're on your own" Andrew said while taking his phone taking a video.

i dashed for the living room when someone tackeled me to the ground and started tickling me. "Stop, i'm sorry" i said in between laughs

"Say i'm your favourite brother," Adrain said. "Fine you're my favourite brother." i said and he finally stopped, he helped me get up. "Alright alright toddlers, time for breakfast" Adrian said while laughing. The sweet aroma of pancakes drew me to the kitchen. I poured myself a cup of coffee. The guys were about to start eating when i told them to stop, i said a short prayer n then told them to proceed. "You are very religious aren't you?" Adrian said, i nodded coz my mouth was full. I always liked going to church, that's where i got hope again, hope that life could get better, and currently it was.

After about 2 and a half pancakes i was full,Amos said he was going out with a special someone and Adrian said he had to go to the library. So i was stuck with Andrew at home, i went up to my room, n decided i wanted to write some verses to a poem i was working on

/i wake up to the morning light

i look out side i see the sun shining bright

but for me all i do is fight

been thinking i'm the worlds greatest fright

i put on a fake smile

i say am fine

but what i want you to do is look deep inside my eyes

and see those perfect lies

look at me am a huge mess

slowly being eaten up by this stress

open your eyes and see am depressed

out there i stand and preach "God bless"

but inside am this freaking mess

deep inside i feel am empty

all ways wishing to be filled completely

i feel so stuck

i know my solution is up above

but how to approch the Almighty seems so hard

am such a sinner am not worthy in his eyes.

But isn't it why he sent christ?

he came and died for my sins,

resurrected and gave us hope to live

am looking up to my creater

because he is the only chain breaker

that can break this chains of pain

i'll try to believe coz he didn't give me this like for me to take it away

he gave me to live

so even through my grieve

i'll believe/

after 15 minutes i was done. Bored i went down staires i found Andrew scrolling through his phone, "i'm boreeed" i told him he lifted his eyes and looked at me "Wanna watch a movie?" He asked . i shrugged my shoulders " why not"i said jumping on the couch next to him. he searched for a movie, we spent the whole afternoon watching movies after movies before i knew it my eyes became heavier and heavier, i closed my eyes and laid on Andrews chest, i could get used to this, i said to myself n drifted off to lala land


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