The Loan

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You lived with three of your friends (Mary, Helen, and Ginger) in a small townhouse together the thought behind it was to save money by living in one house which seemed rationally and first you were close doing everything together. You Mary Helen and Ginger would go to movies, the mall, go out to eat though you would pay the bill most of the time...not that you minded. Indeed things seemed to be going great for you in that tiny townhouse.


Yet after a few months you started to notice that your friends started to not want to hang out with you. Which at first you thought 'they are probably busy' knowing Ginger has her part time job at the local nail salon Mary going through nursing school (and always having alot of homework) and the Helen doing her YouTube videos and part time job at McDonald's it seemed logical.


Then you saw them leaving the mall one day when you decided to go to the mall by yourself you saw your three friends giggling "oh my gosh that was such an awesome day" Helen sighed "I can't agree with you more I got some fabulous shirts today and jeans to match!" Mary said with a smiled Ginger sipped on her smoothie "lets just hope they get it that top I wanted by next week"

They without even noticing you holding the door which left you to wondering 'have they been ditching me this whole time?'

So you decided to confront them about this when they all got back. "Why didn't you guys want me to come with today?" you asked the three of them looked at each other "I don't know" Ginger said with a shrug you frown "what do you mean?" Mary stepped in "I think.she means is that we thought you didn't want to come with us to the mall that's all" the three of them nod in a agreement of thats what they meant "ok but please let me know next you go out I like having fun too you know"


However you saw that they stopped asking you to join them all together (which yoh ignored). Yet you noticed how Helen Ginger and Mary were going out to eat more and more and to the mall getting more stuff to the point where the small town house felt....smaller. It didn't bother you to have the pile of stuff everywhere but it consider you with weather or not they would have the money for this months rent.


Then when rent came up you put in your half (no problem) but your three friends came up short (like $350 short). They all looked at each other trying to think of where to get more money from. "Maybe we can sell our hair?" Ginger suggested "you can only donate hair" Mary said with a groan Helen snapped her fingers "but we could sell our eggs" Mary sighed "too much paperwork we would be better off sell our plasma," they continued to debate about ways to get quick cash. Though you then suggested "why not ask the land lord to roll your part of the payment into next month" , which they knew what that ment no more mall and eating out until then. When hearing they all huffed you shrugged "I talked to the landlord about this setup for you three and if you don't pay you guys get kicked out" they didn't say anything to you so you just walked out of the room.

Helen crossed her arms, "there has to be an easier and faster way to make cash" Ginger bit her nails "but how all the stuff we thought of so far has been stuff that would take months to do or make hardly any cash" Maey stayed silent thinking "Mary?" Helen said "You have a plan" Mary nodded "'I do but we need to go to down town for this plan"


The next they had the money for rent...and then some, "where did you get this money so fast?" your friends all looked at each other, Mary sighed "well we didn't wanna give our money making secrets away but" Mary leaned close to whisper to you "we found a place downtown you do you want to see it?". Which you didn't mine because these were your friends they would never hurt you...right?

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