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• Abandoned kid
It was midnight, Yerin was out at night picking up trash from the floor and throwing it into the trash can.
"Need a help there Noona?"
"Niki" She warmly smiled at the younger one while watching him approach her.
He set his backpack and started to help her out.
Ni-ki was a young teen who lived near her, he was abandoned by this parents after his mom cheated on his father and his father did the same to her. On that time she set him free, he was transferred to korea when he was 12.
Some of the old gangster ahjussi's would always feed him some kimchi when he was hungry, or fed him sushi when he wanted to be reminded of home.
Ni-ki was 15 years old.
"What brings you here with me today Ni-ki." She curiously asked the young teen.
"I'm just feeling...Lonely noona." He bit the bottom of his teeth anxiously.
I patted his shoulder..."It's ok Ni-ki, I understand you. I feel lonely too, and I'm glad that you wanted to help me. Let's get this work done together and I will treat you to some sushi." I patted his head and widely smiled.
"Alright Yerin Noona!!" He bobbed his head with determination.
Me and Ni-ki began to pick up trash with us giant pickers and threw it into the trash, it was like a race which made the time go by fast.
"Ahaha Noona I won!"
"Ok ok you won!! I'll win next time." I put out my tongue and brought him into a hug.
"Come on Noona, I'm kind of hungry" he pouted while rubbing onto his empty stomach.
I nodded and took off my gloves, setting my pickers to the side of the trash can.
My boss gave me my money for working, about $50 .
Store —-
After setting our order, we both took a seat at the diner.
"How was school Noona?" He tilt his head in question, we went to different schools so he didn't know what I did at school.
"It was...boring as always little brother." I chuckled.
"Didn't you make any friends?"
"Do I look like that type of person?" I deadpanned, Ni-ki shook his head.
"Tell me Riki, do you cause anymore trouble or do illegal stuff??" I crossed my arms and raised a brow at the younger one who's face went pale.
"Please be honest Riki."
Riki is his birth name, but once he was transferred to Korea and he changed it to Ni-ki.
"I'm sorry Noona...sometimes I feel like im not the person I see myself as, I just do reckless things I'm a teenager who was abandoned at 12 and I have no way to raise money for myself. Those ahjussi and you are the only ones who help me and make me feel like I have a family."
I look at the kid with teary eyes, he didn't deserve to be abandoned at 12. He was such a good kid to everybody and was well mannered but due to him being abandoned with no way of survival he had to do reckless things.
I brought him into a hug, "it's going to be ok Riki, I promise you when I become successful I'll take you with me! And officially take you in as my little brother."
"Noona...I love you so much. Thank you for being there for me."
"It's nothing Ni-ki you mean a lot to me, thank you. I feel like I have a family now."
While I attached myself from the hug, the waiter brought our food.