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I was brought into Sunghoon's house...no body was at home today. Yeji was out, his parents were at a meeting.

"You didn't need to bring me here I could just go home."

"Do you feel better?"

"How could you possibly ask me that?"

"Ok....I see you're still not feeling better. I can cheer you up don't worry sushi babe!"

Sunghoon cupped my cheeks and kissed both sides, "w-what are you doing?!" I could feel my cheeks burning up from being flustered.

"Let's a play a board game."

"I don't want to."


"I have an idea of how to get Riki to be with you even when you move into the dorms."

"What idea?!"

"First play then I'll tell you." He smirked, I rolled my head back and groaned.


Both of us got into our position, "Let's play chess, you'll be white and I'll be black."


"You go first, make a move."

I first moved up two spaces from my left side, Sunghoon moved two spaces as well from row two.

He smirked, but I was smart enough to take him down with my next move by crossing over and killing him.

"I forgot about that!"he pouted.

"Keep going mister park, we aren't over just yet."

time skip —-

Me and Sunghoon were at the end...he was winning this is unbelievable. He just played me dumb at the beginning...

"I will win!" I growled.

"We'll see about that babygirl...no need to be in a rush." He winked,I only scoffed due to his flirtatious behavior.

and with the last move...he won.

"Checkmate." He smirked.

I crossed my arms, "hey that's not fair!!! I demand a rematch!!"

"No way! I won fair and square!"

"You played me dumb that's cheating!"

"You made the first move!!"

"THAT DOESNT- wait. Fine."

"Just tell me what your idea is.."

"How about........" he paused in the middle of saying his idea which caused me to be impatient.

"About what?!! Say it Sunghoon I'm growing impatient."

"Being impatient is not good, studies show that being impatie-"

"Just get with it park sunghoon!" I smacked his head and complained.

"How about....we transfer Riki to our school."


"He doesn't have any parents anyways...So let's transfer him to our school. In that way he'll be able to move into the dorms and you can see each other,and Taki can transfer too! I found out they go to the same school."

"What? I though Riki doesn't know him."

"Taki is on the other side of the building that's why Riki doesn't know him."

"Sunghoon!!! That's the best idea ever, why haven't I thought of that! I'm so happy!!!" I hugged him tightly which caused the both of us to trip and lay on the floor but it was just a light fall it didn't hurt.

Sunghoon's face was turning crimson, "babygirl I'm flattered~"

When I realized I let go of him and cleared my throat, "don't think it was anything big, it was just a little hug."

"Cute." Sunghoon mumbled while looking down, a big smile plastered on his face.

"Let's go back to your place!"

"It's midnight stay at home."

"Where is Yeji?"

"She stayed over at our cousin's house."


"Let's go! My parents won't be home in a while, I'm free. Let's go tell Riki!"

Time skip ——

Me and Sunghoon knocked on Riki's apartment door, "WHOS THERE!!!"

We heard Riki yell from inside the house, "It's Sunghoon."

Riki opened the door for the both of us, revealing his cold and swollen eyes.

I broufhr him into my arms immediately, "Riki I won't be leaving you...because I'm taking you with me just like I promised..."

"What.....Noona what do you mean?????" Riki got hyper and asked me while shaking my shoulders.

"You are a minor and I am kind of your guardian. Well Ahjussi is your Guardian...so I'm going to transfer you to my school so in that way we can be in dorms together!"

"Noona...that's a great idea!!! I'm sorry for being mad earlier Noona forgive me I was so sad, I didn't know what I'd do without you." Riki caressed my soft hair.

"No Riki it's alright, I understand how you feel. First thing tomorrow we'll go to Ahjussi ok? Get good rest Riki I'll get going, and ask Taki if he wants to transfer~"

Riki nodded, "Bye Noona I love you!!"

"I love you too Riki!"


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