Chapter 1: A Realization of Something Strange

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Sasori was one of the more quiet members of the Akatsuki. Most others respected him and left him to his own devices, like his puppet creations, and the brewing of poisons. 'Most' did not include his least favorite partner, Deidara. Sometimes, Sasori wished the stupid idiot's head would just fall off. But, puppets don't have emotions, so he didn't voice too many of his opinions aloud. Sasori really doesn't understand why Pain got him a new partner. Orochimaru served the purpose and minded his own business, so Sasori was perfectly fine with him. Pain had said something about him betraying the Akatsuki or something, but Sasori didn't really care. All he wanted to do was create more of his art.

When he first met Deidara, he was almost excited to meet someone else interested in art. Almost, because puppets aren't supposed to have emotions. However, when he realized that Deidara's artistic beliefs completely contradicted his own, he gave up any hope that they would get along.

Sasori sits at his desk, puppet leg in one hand and screwdriver in the other for the hundredth time that day, working on something. Deidara sat on their bed, painting his nails black and whining about the air conditioning.

"Danna, it's way too hot! I'm gonna blow up, un!"

"Shut up, Brat. I'm working."

"But you're always working! Why won't you ever give up on your stupid puppets and do something fun, yeah?"

Unknown to most people was Deidara's real personality; Most people treat him like a man after hearing his deep voice, but on the inside, he wasn't any manlier than his hair. He loved to bother the puppet master, since there wasn't anything to blow up in the hideout. However, he didn't want to get made into a puppet himself, so there was a limit on how whiny he gets.

"Why don't we go outside, Danna?" Sasori stood up without giving a reply, and Deidara bounced behind him out of their stuffy hideout. This hideout was well stocked and furnished, and that was the reason why Sasori like it the best. It was large enough for the whole Akatsuki to live in if everyone was present, and the distance to the nearest city was bearable. It was hidden well in the forest, and Deidara especially loved that he could fly around once in a while just for fun and not get caught.

Sasori didn't like the idea of moving in his puppet body instead of Hiruko, but it was seriously sweltering in the hideout, and he was afraid his glue might just melt. So, he let the brat win one and walked outside.

They walked side by side until they arrived at the river that served as the hideout's water source. Deidara, of course, couldn't pass up the opportunity to do strange things. This was one of the rarest chances he got to prove that his art surpassed Danna's!

"Sasori-Danna, let's go in the river, yeah?"

Deidara took the puppet's hand and led him to the riverbank. It can't hurt to clean up. I'm waterproof, Sasori thought to himself. Oh, how wrong he was. Sasori waded out to into the river until the water was up to his waist. Deidara followed suit after stripping completely naked.

When Sasori looked at him questioningly, he protested, "I don't want wet clothes on our way back, un."

Deidara's hand-mouth spit out balls of clay that unfolded into a badly shaped fish. Sasori watched Deidara watch the clay fish figures swim around their feet in the river. So cute, Sasori thought. However, he wished he could take back that thought when Deidara splashed him in the face. Sasori glared at the blond that had run off a little ways and was sticking his tongue out at him. A vein twitched on Sasori's smooth forehead. It was almost as if the brat was saying, "Can't catch me, Danna!"

Sasori ran after Deidara, but the blondie slipped on a rock as he turned around. Deidara emerged from the river covered in mud and his hair was completely tangled. He stomped out of the water and into the forest, having lost his happy mood. Sasori watched his hips sway and water run down his legs as he got out of the river. A shiver ran up Sasori's nonexistent spine. Why was the brat's body suddenly so enticing? Could Sasori be attracted to his partner? Sasori shook his head, trying to cast aside the strange thoughts, but they would not leave. Fine, the puppet master acknowledged, the brat is kind of cute sometimes. But, Sasori scolded himself mentally and made a note to move on to a new obsession soon.
With that thought, Sasori did not realize that he was in for the ride of his life.

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