Part 1

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Loki had been told by Thor in a rather hurried manner to 'stay put' in the Avengers tower, leaving Loki muzzled and in handcuffs which thankfully had a decent length of chain between them. To which the God of Mischief had merely rolled his eyes before sitting on a couch near a window and opening up a book to read. Loki believed himself to be alone in the tower and thus was relaxed for the next several hours.

Y/n had been sleeping in her room or rather trying to but it was mostly spent in agony. Finally, she gave in to her dry tongue, grabbing her glass, and stumbled out of her bed.

"Jarvis...migraine..." She started but stopped, staring in a daze before closing her eyes with a whimper.

"I understand Miss. The migraine protocol is in effect, I will alert Mr. Stark." The AI responded as it brought black-out blinds down on every window in the tower, turned off all the lights, and lit dim soft red lights along the floor. Y/n hummed a brief acknowledgment as she put a hand to her wall and slowly made her way out of her room.

Loki looked up at the sudden movement on the windows and discarded his book when the lights shut off. He was alert but stayed seated on the sofa.

Y/n made it to the hallway that led to the room Loki and a small mini kitchen were in, but her vision suddenly blanked into a bright white. She let out a small gasp followed by a whimper as her knees buckled underneath her causing her to fall to the floor. The empty glass flying from her hand and shattering on the floor in front of her. Y/n's hands trembled as she brought them to each side of her head, the sharp pain peaking. She couldn't think about anything but the pain, she tried desperately but finally gave in to the feeling of never-ending pain and suffering. She couldn't think. She couldn't speak. She couldn't see.

Loki stood abruptly at the sound of the glass shattering, he walked towards where the noise had come from and was met with the sight of a small woman kneeling with her hands on her head while her head rested on the floor. He tilted his head before his brows furrowed at her trembling, her panicked breathing, and her complete lack of reaction to the sound of his chains or the crunch of glass beneath his boots. After deciding she was not a threat to him he moved forward and crouched in front of her, he reached out with one hand, gently touching just under her jaw and moving her head so that she would look up at him. She followed his motion to lift her head while her blank eyes gazed in what seemed to be straight through him. The woman let out a small mew of comfort that his cold hands provided her and she leaned into his touch on her flushed skin. Loki moved his hand to cup her cheek as he studied her, watching the tear of relief fall from her eye and down her cheek. His suspicion that she was without sight was confirmed when she brought a hand up to touch his that remained on her cheek. The pads of her fingers ran across his hands towards his wrists where she discovered the handcuffs he wore, she briefly felt the chain that connected them before her fingers moved up his forearm. She made note of the leather that somehow felt foreign and continued up to his arm until she touched the side of his face. Y/n gently felt her way around his gag, she let out a small hiss before her fingers skated much faster back around the side of his head to the back where she undid the gag. It fell to the floor with a clang. Loki's eyebrows rose at her actions though he remained silent.

"I can't....I can't see." Her speech was slurred slightly and it took her a while to speak as the pain continued to break her thought process. "Make it...make it stop."

Loki pursed his lips before rolling his eyes and letting out a sigh. He removed his hand from her cheek to which she let out a whimper at the loss, before letting out a cry of pain as he lifted her suddenly in his arms and walked towards the couch he had been sitting on. Y/n's hands clung desperately to the leather material of his clothes as his motions caused a pounding surge of fresh pain to her head.

"So weak," Loki said lowly with distaste as he sat down with her in his lap.

Y/n spent several long minutes laying against his chest and shoulder, trying to steady her breathing in order to try to relieve any bit of pain she could. Once the ebb of her headache eased enough for her to form thoughts again she spoke softly.

"Your..hands. Please.." She asked, Loki reluctantly placed a hand in hers and he sneered when she placed his large hand against her forehead. Y/n let out another mewl of relief as his cold hand gave her reprieve from the pain, chasing it away.

"Your hands are so cold." She said, pausing in her sentence as she relished the cold. Loki opened his mouth to let out a bitter retort but she continued. "So gloriously cold, it's amazing. Thank you."

Loki raised an eyebrow at her words, he chose to remain silent on the matter, and soon she had drifted to sleep in his lap.

About an hour into her slumber he felt her suddenly relax completely followed by all the objects in the room except for the couch lifting up as if there was no gravity before a wave of power rippled from her body and the objects crashed to the floor.

"My, my you are an interesting Midgardian," Loki said looking down at her before his thoughts were broken by another voice.

"Get your hands off her reindeer games!" Tony yelled as he quickly walked around the couch to stand in front of them and noticed the trashed state of the room. "I see her headache broke, Jarvis lights please."

"She came to me." Loki snarked as he raised his hands up in surrender, the AI turning the room lights back on and bringing the window shades up again.

"Mmn...Tony I hate your bright lights," Y/n complained as she snuggled deeper into Loki's neck, which caused him to smirk at Stark.

"Brother, what have you done?" Thor demanded as he walked over with Loki's muzzle in hand.

"She craved my touch, I couldn't turn her down." Loki grinned as he spoke.

Y/n took a deep breath and noted the foreign but comforting scent, she pulled away and looked at Loki. She studied his features before looking into his eyes, he scowled as he felt another presence inside his mind. Loki let out a growl as she quickly sifted through his many memories, and he shoved her off his lap, he stood quickly and glared at her.

"Get out of my head witch!" He snarled, only to be met with a bright smile from her as she stood.

"You will stop hiding. Thank you for your help, I owe you." She said cryptically before walking off.

"Sentiment." Loki sneered bitterly before Thor muzzled him, leading him out of the tower. Tony sighed and combed a hand through his hair before following the brothers.

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