Max's POV

"Hey dad. What are you doing?" I said as I walked up to my dad "The realtor said if were serious about selling the house then we need to post some pictures on the website. Which means.....we have a lot of cleaning to do. Maybe you could tackle mom's studio today. What do you think?" My dad said to me. I had been a year since my mom died. I wasn't sure if I was ready for that yet. But I said I would anyway. "Yeah I can do that." I said. "That's great. Hey go find Julie and have her help you." My dad said as I turned to walk away.

I was gonna go get Julie but I'd rather do this alone. I walked outside and to my mom's studio. 'I haven't been in here in a while' I thought to myself before opening the doors. I turned the lights on and looked around. Looks the same as how we left it. I started going through my mom's old stuff but it was too much for me. I decided to go up to the loft and look at all the instruments. When I was up there I found a cd sitting on a table. "Sunset Curve? Never heard of them before."I said out loud. I grabbed the cd and went down the ladder.

I walked over to the cd player and put it in. I pushed start then went and sat on the couch. After listening to it for a second I thought to myself "Hmmm this isnt half bad". Then all of a sudden I heard screaming. I covered my ears and closed my eyes. When the screaming stopped I opened my eyes and saw 3 boys around my age standing in front of me. "Hey who are you? Where did you come from? Why are you in my mom's studio?" I asked them. The boy in the middle with shaggy, brown hair stepped forward and said "What are talking about this is our studio". Who the fuck do they think they are. "I'm not gonna ask again. Who are you?" I said while staring at them. The same boy said "I'm Luke". He pointed to the boy in the leather jacket and said "That's Reggie". Then he pointed to the other boy and said "That's Alex. Who are you?". "I'm Max, Max Molina." I said

They walked closer to me and put my hand up to Luke's chest but my hand went through him. "Oh my fucking god. You're ghosts. But ghosts aren't real." I pull my phone out to look up their band name to see if they are actually dead. "Whats's that and what are you doing on it?" Luke asked me. "It's my phone and I'm looking you up." I said to them. "Max stop. They are not real. There's no such thing as cute ghosts." I say to myself outloud. "Oh you think were cute?" Reggie asks me. I roll my eyes and keep looking for Sunset Curve death. I finally found an artice. Before I could tell them about it Luke says "Hey sorry for scaring you or whatever, but last night was supposed to be the biggest night of our lives. Not the end of it". I looked at him and turned my phone around. "Well you are dead but you didn't die last night. You died 25 years ago. Before anyone could say anything Carlos came out and said "Can you stop being weird and talking to yourself and come eat dinner."

"Yeah I'm coming. Go ahead, I'll be a second" I said to my brother. After he ran off I turned around and told the ghost boys "I'll be back later". I ran inside the house and sat down at the table. Julie wasn't there yet. Typical. Once I sat down my dad turned to me. "Carlos said you were talking to someone in moms studio. Who were you talking to?" My dad asked me. God I knew this was gonna happen. Carlos always has to say something. "I was practicing for this play I'm in." I said, hoping that my dad will believe me. "A play? That's interesting. What's it called?" he asked me. No oh my god. I don't know what to tell him.

"It's ummm, the name of the play is Sunset Curve." I said

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2021 ⏰

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